I've had emails coming in left and right...from one parent who chose not to vaccinate her children (her children are healthy and vibrant) and have had to deal with a nasty school system that demands she get their child vaccinated (despite exemptions made available in their state). I've had a medical researcher contact me, a parent who wrote to me to say their adult son has autism but the grandkids don't (so it's not genetic). I'm getting lots of information coming in...so much so that I am barely able to keep up. I may have to stretch it out to a part IV or V...who knows. This is such a huge topic.
Many of you heard about this incident I had, but I felt it necessary to tell my story. Plus, I mention various other incidents and the fact that YES, Thimerosal (a mercury based preservative) is STILL present in many vaccines. Click that FDA link to check it out. Companies were SUPPOSED to have been told to eliminate Thimerosal from their vaccines, because it causes brain damage. Apparently, vaccines still have it present.
Mercury is the 2nd most deadly toxin known to man. I was told Uranium was the first. We are killing our next generation!
Also, beware of the countless drugs that drug companies are marketing on TV...you see one every 2 months or so, coming out on the market. It's all for the money...makes me mad.
You the public must be informed...so take all of this information seriously; please read it and pass this article along. I appreciate it. --Felicia
Many of you heard about this incident I had, but I felt it necessary to tell my story. Plus, I mention various other incidents and the fact that YES, Thimerosal (a mercury based preservative) is STILL present in many vaccines. Click that FDA link to check it out. Companies were SUPPOSED to have been told to eliminate Thimerosal from their vaccines, because it causes brain damage. Apparently, vaccines still have it present.
Mercury is the 2nd most deadly toxin known to man. I was told Uranium was the first. We are killing our next generation!
Also, beware of the countless drugs that drug companies are marketing on TV...you see one every 2 months or so, coming out on the market. It's all for the money...makes me mad.
You the public must be informed...so take all of this information seriously; please read it and pass this article along. I appreciate it. --Felicia
April 2, 2008
I've seen firsthand what child immunizations can do to an otherwise healthy infant. I've had to deal with doctors who've said (after this infant suffered a seizure a little under a week after getting his 2nd round of childhood vaccines) that the vaccine may have triggered the seizure, but the vaccine wasn't the main reason. The neurologists proceeded to look for some "underlying cause." They did tests to find the culprit but found nothing. Their reasons for the seizures triggered in this child ranged from him having a stroke in his mother's womb to current findings that he has a metabolic disorder or it may stem from a genetic problem.
While in the hospital, the medical team had found bright spots on the infant's brain to indicate that he had damage in the temporal lobe. But in the case of the vaccine, these neurologists and their team refuted everything that my gut told me ...the vaccine was the cause.
I was told by these neurologists that only in rare cases do children have seizures attributed to vaccinations, that about 1% of children have severe reactions to vaccinations. That is 1% too many! I was given an excuse about what a certain "medical association" believes in terms of vaccines. When I wouldn't back down, the neurologist, clearly agitated, persisted with, "Where's the proof, how do you prove it was the vaccine?!"
I pressed on...I mentioned to them, "If there was any doubt that the vaccine would have caused the severe reactions, wouldn't you want to do further tests (do further testing on the infant based on the side effects of the vaccine to find out if it altered his brain) to look into the drug and its side effects before dismissing it outright?"
My urgent questions remained unheeded.
Currently, after enduring seizures and tests in the hospital, this beautiful baby boy is on medication to control his seizures. No doubt he must have all of his vaccinations (in some states, there is an exception) before attends public school. His mother plans to space them out so as to give his body time to build up and become strong again.
It is truly a battle. Doctors will defend to the death the reason they believe vaccines pose no dangers, even when children are having severe reactions.
This is a CRISIS for our country! Are our children lab rats that we should willingly subject them to vaccinations without further tests done to find out if they are safe? As a people, Americans are allowing their doctors to prescribe prescription drugs one after another for us... and for our children, they are getting inundated with vaccines.
Vaccines with strong side effects are given to infants only months out of the womb. Vaccines like DTaP are given before a child reaches 1 yr. old. Side effects range in severity from a fever, to seizures.( http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/side-effects.htm ).
Newer vaccines are scheduled to arrive on the market soon. A vaccine for Strep throat is scheduled to arrive on the market soon. However, there are vaccines that attack Strep on the market already and Strep is mostly treated with antibiotics ( http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23505424/ ).
There are vaccinations that are available today that I did not take as a child. I risked it and got Chicken Pox at age 10 and since then, I have not had a recurring bout with the disease. But today, the Chicken Pox vaccine is available. The moderate to severe side effects include seizures and pneumonia. Getting the Chicken Pox is annoying at best. But it isn't life threatening. The side effects from the vaccine are.
We throw immunizations around at every sniffle and disease thinking it's a cure-all. Certainly infants should be able to have to time to develop their bodies without all of the constant assault of vaccines at such an early stage in their lives. Vaccines carry heavy metals, bacteria, etc. Such is the reason why some infants have severe reactions to immunizations.
Many parents think that child immunizations are normal, that they will protect their child from various diseases.
WRONG! If anything, the shots will make them sicker.
But there's money to be made in the immunization business. Just like drugs, they bring in high dollars. They are UNNECESSARY. I'm no doctor, but if a child has an already healthy functioning immune system and in general, a healthy body overall, why expose them to shots at such an early stage in their life while they are still developing?!Autism rates continue to rise in the United States. According to the US Food and Drug Administration website, Thimerosal, a preservative that is mercury based, known to cause neurological damage, is still used in many vaccines, however small the amount ( http://www.fda.gov/Cber/vaccine/thimerosal.htm#t3 ).
Thimerosal could be attributed to the number of Autism rates in America and other reactions. Recently a family whose 9 year old daughter had a reaction to her childhood vaccines, won a case against the government ( http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23508982/ ).
The child was 18 months at the time that she received 5 shots in a month. Afterwards, their child exhibited "autistic behavior." The child's father, Jon Poling is a neurologist. "Why take a chance," he asked in response to the finding that Thimerosal is supposedly absent or in low quantities in many childhood vaccines. Certain flu shots still contain the preservative Thimerosal. Poling urged the government to remove Thimerosal from ALL flu shots.
More outrage...the Hepatitis B vaccine (Hepatitis B is a disease that is normally sexually transmitted, or transmitted through other risk behaviors) is being given to infants, sometimes shortly after BIRTH! What's the need to expose a healthy infant to a vaccine that is clearly not needed at such a young age?
It's time that parents stop relying completely on their doctors for every bit of advice they give. It's time to use common sense. Do the research. Look into adult/childhood vaccines before you decide whether to subject your child to pain and anguish.
You, the parent, have the freedom to choose whether or not you want your child vaccinated. Or at least, space the vaccinations out.
YOU are the first line of defense in protecting your child.I will say this over and over... a statement I made in Part I of my article on vaccines:
*If there is any doubt that any symptom you experience after getting a vaccine is related to the vaccine, there should be no hesitation in stating your case to your health professional. This is about your health...you and only you should be in control of what goes into your body. The medical industry is not always right, hence the many adverse reactions people are suffering at the hands of immunizations and drugs.
Many in the medical field don't want to admit that vaccines are causing people horrible side effects. This is either because they lean on medical statistics from various medical organizations that the incidents of adverse reactions to vaccines are rare (which is a lie) or it is because they secretly have some profit motive behind the drug. The harsh reality is that many people are suffering horrible reactions to vaccines and drugs and it is getting underreported. Please remember, medical professionals are not gods.Stay tuned for Part III, for more testimonials from reputed doctors on vaccines.
Related Reading:
**This is all VERY important information, please read:Vaccines and Neurological Damagehttp://www.mercola.com/article/vaccines/neurological_damage.htm
Vaccines: Vac-Gen/Side Effectshttp://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/side-effects.htm
FDA ties pneumonia deaths to infant vaccinehttp://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23183636/
Strep Throat vaccine may be nearhttp://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23505424/
WAVE — World Association for Vaccine Educationhttp://www.novaccine.com/
WAVE — Testimonialshttp://www.novaccine.com/testimonials/
You have a choice ...exemptions to opt out of getting vaccinatedhttp://www.novaccine.com/law-exemptions/
Thimerosal in vaccinations, FDA.govhttp://www.fda.gov/Cber/vaccine/thimerosal.htm#t3
Family in vaccine-autism case speakshttp://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23508982/
Vaccinations and Drugs forced on Public, Part Ihttp://www.renewamerica.us/columns/benamon/080330
Beware of Vaccine Bullies by Michelle Malkinhttp://www.cnsnews.com/ViewCommentary.asp?Page=%5CCommentary%5Carchive%5C200402%5CCOM20040204b.html
Felicia Benamon is a conservative columnist who writes from a political perspective, but occasionally deviates to write about other concerns facing her country. A patriotic American, Felicia hopes to motivate others to be more conscious of the current state of affairs in America, and to hold true to the wonderful traditions that make America great.Felicia comes from a military background and is proud to support the men and women who put their lives on the line daily to protect American citizens and who reach out to help those in need across the globe.
© Copyright 2008 by Felicia Benamonhttp://www.renewamerica.us/columns/benamon/080402
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