ARLINGTON, VA -- U.S. Senator John McCain today issued the following statement regarding Passover:
"At sundown tomorrow, families across this country and around the world will join together in celebrating the Exodus of their ancestors from bondage in Egypt. As families gather together for Seders, members of the Jewish faith reflect upon the painful sacrifices made by their ancestors, the joys of freedom, and the triumph of inherent goodness over evil. From our family, Cindy and I would like to extend our best wishes for a happy Passover. Chag Kasher V'Sameach.
"As Passover commences, we should also take a moment to reflect on several individuals who will celebrate this occasion, once again, in captivity. In summer 2006, Hamas and Hezbollah kidnapped three young Israelis -- Gilad Shalit, Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser -- and have held them ever since. When I met with the families of two of these men in December 2006, I heard firsthand about their difficulties. To go on without knowledge of these men's whereabouts or physical condition is a terrible thing, and yet these families endure. I committed then to bring attention to this situation, to insist that the Geneva Conventions are observed, and to call for the swift release of these men. I remain committed to this effort and I hope the entire international community will do the same."
1 comment:
Well, at least he didn't call Passover "Crazy Jewish Easter" like the way he called the Purim the "Israeli Halloween".
Although I'm sure Lieberman would have been there to take correct him and take the fall.
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