On Friday morning, the 18th of April, State Senator Jack Harper completed the paperwork to qualify for the September 2nd, 2008 ballot and the campaign financing through the Citizen's Clean Election Commission. This will be the earliest in a campaign cycle that Harper has ever qualified. In 2002, Harper just began to run for the State Senate on May 16th of that year.
Harper called on volunteers to help him collect more signatures on nominating petitions by the June filing deadline. Harper said he would return to the Secretary of State's office to file a supplemental of petitions. His goal is to submit the maximum qualifying signatures to show campaign strength over his challengers.
Democratic candidate Robert Boehlke filed a candidate's campaign committee to challenge Harper in the general election, and recently, an employee of the Sun City West Fire District has surfaced as a challenger in the Republican Primary election.
Harper said, "I am ready for rigorous campaign. If I win, it
will be by the grace of God and the sweat of volunteers." Harper's
campaign signs will go up at the earliest possible date. Harper expects to
install signs, left over from previous campaigns, by May 5th.(Paid for by Harper For Senate)
Looks like Harper has been taking a moderate voting approach at the legislator now that he has some competition.
Looks like Harper has been taking a moderate voting approach at the legislator now that he has some competition.
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