For Immediate Release:
Contact: Press Office
April 4, 2008
Giffords Votes Again With Democrat Leaders to Block Reform of Earmarking Process
Washington- Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-08) has staked out her position on allowing wasteful Washington spending to continue, despite constant pleas from hardworking taxpayers to bring more transparency and reform to the broken earmarking process.
Washington- Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-08) has staked out her position on allowing wasteful Washington spending to continue, despite constant pleas from hardworking taxpayers to bring more transparency and reform to the broken earmarking process.
Giffords voted again yesterday with her liberal Democrat leaders in Washington to block a Republican bill which would institute an immediate moratorium on all earmarks until the process is resolved (House Roll Call 154).
Democrats claimed on the campaign trail that they would bring change to Washington, but the only thing that’s changed is they’ve stuffed even more pork-barrel projects into appropriations bills since taking control of Congress:
“In fiscal year 2008, Congress stuffed 11,610 projects (the second highest total ever) worth $17.2 billion into the 12 appropriations bills. That is a 337 percent increase over the 2,658 projects in fiscal year 2007, and a 30 percent increase over the $13.2 billion total in fiscal year 2007.” (Citizens Against Government Waste Press Release, 4/2/08)
“Gabrielle Giffords has made it loud and clear that
she has no regard for making sure that Arizona taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars
are spent wisely and not dolled out as pet projects by Washington politicians,”
said NRCC spokesman Ken Spain.
Giffords already had the opportunity to halt the earmarking process in February, but once again she voted in lock-step with her liberal Democrat leadership (House Roll Call 32). When will Gabrielle Giffords put the priorities of Arizona taxpayers over her party’s political agenda in Washington?
Paid for by National Republican Congressional Committee.Not Authorized by Any Candidate or Candidate's Committee.
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