Sunday, February 10, 2008

They Said It! Barack Obama's Back And Forth On Superdelegates: Country Vs. District

Obama: "My strong belief is that if we end up with
the most states and the most pledged delegates from the most voters in the
country, that it would be problematic for the political insiders to overturn the
judgment of the voters."

(Maria Gavrilovic, "Obama Says Superdelegates Should Back Candidate With Most Pledged Delegates," CBS News' "From The Road" Blog,, 2/8/08)

FLASHBACK TO TWO DAYS AGO: Obama: "I think that those super delegates who are elected officials, party insiders, would have to think long and hard about how they approach the nomination, when the people they claim to represent have said, 'Obama's our guy.'" (Sen. Barack Obama, News Conference, 2/6/08)

New York Post: "The Message: If You're An Elected Member Of Congress, And Your District Backs Obama, Casting A Vote For Hillary Rodham Clinton Could Be Bad For Your Political Career." (Geoff Earle, "Obama Issues 'Super' Threat To Top Dems," New York Post, 2/7/08)

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