Thursday, February 14, 2008

POLL: Who Should Be JOHN MCCAIN's VP Choice?

After Gov. Mitt Romney's eloquent speech of endorsement for Sen. John McCain, it looks more & more like John McCain WILL BE the Republican Nominee for President in 2008!

Who do YOU, the Politico Mafioso Readers, think John McCain should pick for his VP?

Now that John McCain is going to be the GOP Nominee for Pres in 2008, who should his VP pick be?

Mitt Romney
Mike Huckabee
Rudy Giuliani
Michael Steele
Gov. Charlie Crist
Gov. Mark Sanford
Free polls from


shua d nedy said...

of those you listed I'd pick Sanford, though there might be an even better one out there.

Nikki said...

I say Condi Rice!!! If she would do it!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, it looks like McCain's VP shortlist has been leaked to the press. Emeril? Really?