Friday, February 29, 2008


McCain leads both Obama and Clinton in potential general-election match ups with either candidate in the all-important swing state of Florida, according to a Mason-Dixon poll out today.

McCain leads Obama 47%-37% and Clinton 49%-40%. The Arizona senator leads the Democrats across the board. About 80% of Republicans are behind McCain. Only 66% of Democrats are behind Obama and 72% are backing Clinton in one-one-one match-ups with McCain.
Currently, 17% of Democrats indicate that in a match up with Obama, they'd support McCain; 16% say so in a match up with Clinton. Seventeen percent of Dems also say they are undecided in a match up with Obama; 13% say so with regard to McCain-Clinton. Those numbers though could be a reflection of McCain being the presumptive nominee and Obama and Clinton still engaged in a fight for the nomination.

Floridian Democrats also weighed in on whether and/or how their delegation should be seated at the national convention -- 28% said the state party should hold another Democratic primary or caucus; 24% believe the delegation should be seated, according to the Jan. 29th primary; 15% say “the Florida Democratic Party knowingly violated the national party rules, so it should accept the penalty”; 13% favor a delegation that is split evenly between Clinton and Obama; and 20% say they aren’t sure.
Posted by TOM BEVAN

Keeping with recent history, Florida is going to be a key battleground this year. If Republicans want to have any chance of holding onto the White House they'll need to keep the Sunshine State in the win column. A new poll by Mason Dixon (Feb 21-24, 625 RV) shows that, at least for the moment, McCain appears to be doing just that, beating Obama and Clinton by healthy margins of 10 and 9 points, respectively:

McCain 47 Obama 37 Undecided 16

McCain 49 Clinton 40 Undecided 11

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