Sunday, February 03, 2008

McCain avidly prepares for Super Tuesday showdown By Dan Nowicki - The Arizona Republic

Tuesday wins could solidify his lead

Dan Nowicki
Feb. 3, 2008 12:05 AM

CHICAGO - One word sums up how John McCain hopes to be regarded when Super Tuesday comes to a close: inevitable. The senator from Arizona could fall short of capturing enough delegates on Tuesday to lock up the Republican nomination for president. But a powerful showing in the 21 states with GOP contests, including Arizona, California, New York and Illinois, could make him hard to stop.

McCain, who is leading other Republicans in national polls and in many large Super Tuesday states, is on a whirlwind, cross-country tour that took him from Chicago through the South on Saturday, with a plan to head northeast today.

With first-place finishes in the key early states of New Hampshire, South Carolina and Florida, McCain's candidacy is approaching critical mass.Up for grabs on Tuesday are 1,023 Republican delegates. A candidate needs 1,191 to clinch the nomination.
"We've got the momentum, we're going to win this
nomination and we're going to win the presidency of the United
an invigorated McCain told about 500 supporters at a Friday evening rally at the Odeum Sports & Expo Center in suburban Villa Park, Ill. "And I'm going to compete right here in the heartland of America, the state of Illinois. I'm going to compete and win."

McCain's strategy Since triumphing in Florida on Tuesday, McCain has swept across the nation, presiding over rallies and fundraisers in California, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia.

McCain will campaign today and Monday in Boston, the heart of Romney country. Despite the defiant incursion and endorsements of McCain from the Boston Globe and Boston Herald, Romney maintains a healthy lead over McCain in recent Massachusetts polls.

But because Massachusetts awards its delegates proportionally, McCain still could inflict some embarrassing damage.

McCain also has bought advertising time on national cable television networks and in select, competitive states."
We'll win California and we're in good shape in the Northeast, with the
exception of Massachusetts,"
Black said.

"Actually, I see two states that Romney wins: Massachusetts and Utah. There's four or five that Huckabee can win."California poses an unusual battlefield. Republicans there have switched from a winner-take-all system to one that awards three delegates to whoever wins each of the state's 53 congressional districts.

The statewide victor will capture another 11 delegates. "Whoever wins the raw vote in California is going to get some bragging rights, but you can win the raw vote and lose the delegate vote," noted Ken Khachigian, a California veteran of multiple GOP presidential campaigns.

In California, McCain has won the endorsements of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Sacramento Bee, San Jose Mercury News and other newspapers.

Optimism in Arizona McCain will continue to stump around the nation through Tuesday afternoon, when he returns to Phoenix to cast his own vote in Arizona's primary and host an election-night celebration at the Arizona Biltmore Resort & Spa.

McCain appears in little danger of losing his home state. Romney is the only candidate who has put much money and effort into organizing in Arizona.

The two most recent Arizona polls reflect McCain leads
of 17 and 23 percentage points.

Jaime Molera, one of McCain's Arizona campaign co-chairmen, forecasts big wins for McCain in Arizona and around the country Tuesday despite the vehement criticism of him from state and national conservative critics. "The strong conservatives in Arizona understand where McCain comes from," Molera said. "I don't think they buy a lot of the attacks on him."

Reach the reporter at

1 comment:

Richard said...


Read this and become educated!

ROMNEY has been successful in EVERY business venture Do you spend more money that you have at home? Then why should our government do so? Shouldn’t we run the country like a business? He is a leader, and he weeded out corrupt politicians in the Olympics and turned it around under budget!

The Security model he had to implement in the 2002 Olympics because of 9/11 is being used in the Super bowl today, did you know that?

He spends his own money therefore he will owe NO ONE in political power or special interest groups. I can go on and on but below is some info on Juan McCain.

McCain is an absolute abysmal imbosol!! He’s a RHINO republican and tried to shove amnesty down our throat 2 times with "HIS OWN BILL". HE IS FOR TAXING USA companies only to solve a so called GLOBAL warming problem. Well what about the rest of the WORLD? You people drink the kol-aid of the press and are completely UNINFORMED.

You want to know something else, STUPIDY BREADS ITSELF. You will believe anything someone tells you if you are uninformed and that is what the liberal media is counting on.


John McCain should be renamed as JUAN McCain. Have you noticed who his heading up his HISPANIC outreach group for this race. If not, Google "McCain and Dr. Juan Hernandez.

I WILL NOT, SHALL NOT AND CAN NOT VOTE FOR JUAN McCain, I would rather the Republican Party dissolve, period!

1. John McCain teamed with Ted Kennedy and attempted to give amnesty to every illegal alien in America, and even wished to grant them access retroactively to Social Security benefits accrued under illegally used numbers while here against the current law.

2. John McCain (along with the regular cohort of lefties) removed your right to speak out against political candidates (including him) through advocacy ads in the 30-60 days before a primary or general election. The infamous McCain-Feingold legislation proves he couldn't find an originalist judge if the man was sharing a pair of pants with him.

3. John McCain considered leaving the GOP to become an independent caucusing with the Dems, and only balked when Jeffords beat him to it. Daschle and others swear its true.

4. John McCain proved himself to be a populist anti-capitalist when he called the pharmaceutical companies "the enemy" during the most recent South Carolina debate. George Will is even wondering why John is a Republican and hasn't switched yet.

5. John McCain has swallowed the "Man Made Global Warming" pill whole. He has teamed with Lieberman to offer legislation to create a carbon cap and trade system that the Congressional Budget Office believes will add energy costs to each family of between $560-1800 per year, with the money raked in dispersed out in R&D grants, or government pork barrel goody contracts as I interpret it.

6. John McCain voted against the "Bush" tax cuts more than once, voted for amendments to keep the death tax alive, and along with our faithful Governor Pawlenty calls huge tobacco tax increases "fees".

7. John McCain believes waterboarding for US Servicemen is normal during training for capture situations, but calls it unconscienable torture when applied to important organizational terrorist figures caught plotting to kill Americans. This American serviceman disagrees.

8. John McCain supported gun control measures with rules that would have effectively shut down gun shows and gun sales between private parties. He teamed with Andrew McKelvey's Handgun Control spinoff called Americans For Gun Safety. A real champion of the little guy our McCain. Gun Owner's Of America rating - F

9. John McCain has stated he would vote for the international anti-sovereignty Treaty of The Seas if it was "tweaked" a little. This compact would give an international body the jurisdiction to dictate naval forces movement, oceanic weapons and technology testing, and set and collect fees and divy up rights and royalties to all energy resources found and recovered at sea in current international waters. One country, one vote. How do you think Iran would vote for our rights to traverse the Straits of Hormuz?

10. Midwest Jay really can't stand the guy, and he reminds me too much of a pissed off Huck-a-jerk without the Chuck Norris sidekick. Leading a fighter squadron gives you leadership experience to lead a fighter squadron of 24 guys. Reagan made war bond films. Who cares. American hero or socialist? Probably both.

Now you are educated on the facts, vote ROMNEY!