Huckabee’s guys challenging the Washingtson State “results” shows he (or they) don’t have a clue. The Washington State “results” are nothing more than a poorly done exit poll. I know because I am a delegate. My precinct ‘elected’ me to be the delegate because the precinct captain was busy and the other guy didn’t have a car.
I asked if I could go because I’d never been. The next step is the County convention where delegates will be selected to go to the State Convention and THAT is where the delegates will be selected to go to the National Convention. I can vote for whomever I please. I am not obligated at the County level from what happened at the precinct level caucus at all. And all that happened at the caucus level was that people signed in and put down their preference, if they wanted to.
A bunch of guys stood up to say how Ron Paul ‘touched their hearts,’ an obviously stock phrase they were told to say. One guy stood up and said he was voting for Romney, and one guy stood up for Huckabee. the rest stood up for McCain. Not everyone spoke. It was standing-room only.
Who knows what the others were thinking. It took an hour and a half just like they said it would. The people were polite. Everyone applauded everyone who spoke no matter who they were for. It was an adult conversation. I sat next to a very young Paul supporter, the guy who couldn’t drive, had a nice conversation, and drove him home.
But the point is at the end of the caucus no one had elected anyone as an officially committed delegate for anyone to anywhere. That comes later in the process. Whoever ‘declared’ McCain the ‘winner’ has done so based on reports from the caucuses about where the apparent support was going based on speeches. But there are no results to challenge. It’s just spin. Huckabee challenging the non-results looks foolish. Obviously he (or his people) don’t understand the process at all.
And this mirrors his campaign as a whole. He wants a contitutional amendment putting God in there, apparently not understanding the doctrine of separation of church and state. He wants to solve international crises by just talking to the bad guys, who surely will understand. He wants to abolish the IRS and replace it with a “Fair tax.” Know what that is? A 23% VAT on everything. He’s a nice guy, don’t get me wrong, but he just comes across as naive. This latest Washington challenge is a case in point. he doesn’t even know how the election works. His challenge is a farce.
Michael Schuyler is the National Co-Chair of McCain Victory 08!
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