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More Examples Of Sen. Obama's Inexperience Unveiled With "Wrong Button" Barack's "Goofed" Votes Story
Today's Los Angles Times Reports That Sen. Obama "Goofed" By Hitting "Wrong Button" On Votes While In Illinois State Senate:
"During His Eight Years In State Office, Obama Cast More Than 4,000 Votes. Of Those, According To Transcripts Of The Proceedings In Springfield, He Hit The Wrong Button At Least Six Times." (Peter Wallsten, "Obama Said Oops On 6 State Senate Votes," Los Angeles Times, 1/24/08)
"[T]wo Of Obama's Bumbles Came On More-Sensitive Topics." (Peter Wallsten, "Obama Said Oops On 6 State Senate Votes," Los Angeles Times, 1/24/08)
MSNBC's David Shuster: "How can Barack Obama who is now running for the president have pushed the wrong buttons ... Your job as a state legislator or a member of the U.S. Senate is to know exactly what you are voting on." (MSNBC's "Morning Joe," 1/24/07)
Shuster: "And if you don't know what you are voting on or are confused then you ask somebody. But to push the wrong button and then to say 'I was confused and made a mistake,' no, that is not acceptable. You are running for the President. You need to be prepared ... You need to take your positions seriously and know exactly what you are doing." (MSNBC's "Morning Joe," 1/24/07)
One Of Sen. Obama's "Goofed" Votes Angered Fellow Democrats:
"Barack Obama Angered Fellow Democrats In The Illinois Senate When He Voted To Strip Millions Of Dollars From A Child Welfare Office On Chicago's West Side. But Obama Had A Ready Explanation: He Goofed." (Peter Wallsten, "Obama Said Oops On 6 State Senate Votes," Los Angeles Times, 1/24/08)
Sen. Obama Voted With Republicans On The Issue But Then Criticized Them For Their Vote. "On June 11, 2002, Obama's vote sparked a confrontation after he joined Republicans to block Democrats trying to override a veto by GOP Gov. George Ryan of a $2-million allotment for the west Chicago child welfare office." (Peter Wallsten, "Obama Said Oops On 6 State Senate Votes," Los Angeles Times, 1/24/08)
"Shortly Afterward, Obama Chastised Republicans For Their 'Sanctimony' In Claiming That Only They Had The Mettle To Make Tough Choices In A Tight Budget Year. And He Called For 'Responsible Budgeting.'" (Peter Wallsten, "Obama Said Oops On 6 State Senate Votes," Los Angeles Times, 1/24/08)
A Fellow Democrat Then Got Angry With Sen. Obama For His Contradiction. "A fellow Democrat suddenly seethed with anger. 'You got a lot of nerve to talk about being responsible,' said Sen. Rickey Hendon, accusing Obama of voting to close the child welfare office." (Peter Wallsten, "Obama Said Oops On 6 State Senate Votes," Los Angeles Times, 1/24/08)
Sen. Obama Later Changed His Vote In Order To Align With The Democrats. "Obama replied right away. 'I understand Sen. Hendon's anger. ... I was not aware that I had voted no on that last -- last piece of legislation,' he said." (Peter Wallsten, "Obama Said Oops On 6 State Senate Votes," Los Angeles Times, 1/24/08)
"Obama Asked That The Record Reflect That He Meant To Vote Yes. Then He Requested That Hendon 'Ask Me About A Vote Before He Names Me On The Floor.'" (Peter Wallsten, "Obama Said Oops On 6 State Senate Votes," Los Angeles Times, 1/24/08)
NOTE: Democrat In Confrontation Declined To Recall The Event, But Added That He Never Pressed The Wrong Button While Voting. "Hendon declined to discuss the episode. 'I try to block out unpleasant memories,' said Hendon, who has endorsed Obama. 'If I tried really hard to remember it, I probably could, but I'm not going to try hard because I'm supporting the senator all the way.'" (Peter Wallsten, "Obama Said Oops On 6 State Senate Votes," Los Angeles Times, 1/24/08)
"Hendon Said 'It Happens' That Senators Press The Wrong Button. But He Was Quick To Add: 'I've Never Done It.'" (Peter Wallsten, "Obama Said Oops On 6 State Senate Votes," Los Angeles Times, 1/24/08)
FLASHBACK: Sen. Obama's Other Rookie Mistakes:
Sen. Obama Had A Habit Of Voting Present "Even On Some Of The Most Controversial And Politically Explosive Issues Of The Day." "[O]bama's history of voting 'present' in Springfield - even on some of the most controversial and politically explosive issues of the day - that raises questions that he will need to answer." (Nathan Gonzales, Op-Ed, "The Ever-'Present' Obama," The Rothenberg Political Report, 2/13/07)
A "Present" Vote Is "Used To Provide Political Cover." "Because it takes affirmative votes to pass legislation in the Illinois Senate, a 'present' vote is tantamount to a 'no' vote. A 'present' vote is generally used to provide political cover for legislators who don't want to be on the record against a bill that they oppose. Of course, Obama isn't the first or only Illinois state senator to vote 'present,' but he is the only one running for President of the United States." (Nathan Gonzales, Op-Ed, "The Ever-'Present' Obama," The Rothenberg Political Report, 2/13/07)
Sen. Obama Was Bored At His First U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Meeting. "Listening to a bloviating colleague at his first meeting of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Obama slipped a three-word note to a member of his staff: 'Shoot. Me. Now.'" (Ben Wallace-Wells, "Destiny's Child," Rolling Stone, 2/7/07)
Sen. Obama Has Held Zero Hearings As Chairman Of The Subcommittee On European Affairs. "Doubts about Barack Obama's presidential credentials have crystallized during the past two weeks over his stewardship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's subcommittee on European affairs, which has convened no policy hearings since he took over as its Chairman last January." (Joe Conason, "Obama's European Problem," Salon, 12/29/07)
A Product Of The RNC Research Department
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