January 26, 2008
The United States has a pivotal choice in November 2008. Who we elect president will truly set the nation's direction on issues like the economy, terrorism and healthcare.
Florida Republicans must make the right choice during the Jan. 29 primary, and establish the front runner who can lead the Republican Party to victory. The candidate who wins Florida will have incredible momentum.
This presidential race is so important
to me, that I returned from Portugal to support Senator John McCain. Not only
have the polls consistently shown Senator McCain as the only Republican who can
defeat the leading Democratic candidate, he is right on the issues most
important to our country. Senator McCain has always been the leading agent of
change in Congress, standing firm on fiscal restraint and opposing pork barrel
spending. His leadership in Congress and in the military have proven he has the
character and integrity to be our president.
The foundation of our nation is a strong, stable economy. John McCain understands a good economy increases our individual prosperity and raises our standard of living. The senator's recent economic stimulus plan calls for tax cuts for businesses. This is a good first step to tax reform. His plan helps businesses become more competitive in our global economy. To ensure America's prosperity, our nation must also be on solid financial footing. Government must respect tax payers and reduce frivolous spending.
In the U.S. Senate, Senator McCain has
become a leading voice for fiscal conservatism. The senator's approach ensures
government lives within its means, does not spend taxpayer money that does not
To support our economy, we need a strong defense to protect our nation from foreign and terrorist threats. Senator McCain is a military man. As a Navy pilot and prisoner of war, he has placed his life on the line for our country. He understands what our servicemen and women face daily. John McCain wants to modernize our military and ensure our troops and veterans receive the support they deserve. His keen insight into the military helped him understand the need for the surge in Iraq early last year. He was right on the surge, and America is winning in Iraq.
Senator McCain is the only candidate
with the international and military experience to appropriately handle the
situation in Iraq.
Here at home, the senator understands some domestic policy needs to change. Healthcare costs are on the rise, and the affordability of insurance is decreasing. Senator McCain wants all Americans to have access to high quality healthcare. Americans should only pay for quality, and not simply for a service provided. The senator wants to offer insurance tax rebates and increase the number of insurance options so Americans can have choices in coverage. Many families struggle with healthcare decisions today, and Senator McCain wants to empower those families with options. A more competitive system gives Americans the advantage.
The experience and character John McCain has developed over his lifetime, makes him uniquely the right candidate at the right time. He is the only major candidate with military experience, and he is passionate about ensuring our armed forces are well equipped and veterans are given appropriate care. Throughout his senate career, he has fought for the good stewardship of taxpayers' dollars and sound fiscal conservatism. His vision for health care can improve the quality and access Americans receive. I support his agenda for America, and ask Florida's Republicans to vote for John McCain on Jan. 29.
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