January 11, 2008
Article Excerpt:
In a marked departure from previous campaign stops and a twist on McCain's hard-fought 2000 primary in South Carolina, a packed house of more than 500 included Bob Jones University employees wearing campaign stickers, homeschoolers and a large sampling of students and recent graduates.
Campaigning with McCain, U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham told reporters that circumstances have changed since the bitter 2000 fight between McCain and President Bush and pointed to support for McCain from Bush backers such as state Sen. Mike Fair, whom he called the state's "pre-eminent social conservative."
In response to a question about South Carolina's drain of manufacturing work, McCain said, "The textile industry is not coming back to the United States of America."
"I'm no liberal," McCain said, but if an older worker was forced to take a lower-paying job after losing manufacturing work, he said he'd be willing to compensate him for the difference.
McCain told a woman who asked him about partial-birth abortion that "I would do everything within my power to ban that horrible procedure."
1 comment:
To all who served our country, God bless. We owe you everything we have. I can't see why our nation can't continue to serve you after you so gallantly served us. I found a petition which tells Congress to increase the benefits justly due to our brave men and women who served. Also, as we get more signatures, money is donated to the American Legion.
Thank you for serving, and best of luck to all our servicemen.
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