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Sen. Ted Kennedy's (D-MA) Endorsement Highlights Sen. Barack Obama's (D-IL) True Liberal Credentials
Today, Sen. Kennedy Officially Endorses Sen. Obama:
"Senator Barack Obama Will Collect The Endorsement Of Senator Edward M. Kennedy Today..." (Susan Milligan, "Kennedy Poised To Endorse Obama," The Boston Globe, 1/28/08)
"Sen. Edward Kennedy ... A Hero In His Own Right To The Democratic Party's Liberal Wing, Will Endorse Obama On Monday At A Rally In Washington." (Mike Dorning, "The Kennedys Embrace Obama," Chicago Tribune's "The Swamp" Blog, weblogs.chicagotribune.com, 1/27/08)
Sen. Obama And Sen. Kennedy Are Among The Most Liberal U.S. Senators:
"The Record Shows Obama To Be A Fairly Doctrinaire Liberal Democrat..." (Editorial, "Obama's Rhetoric Soars, But What Does His Record Suggest?" USA Today, 1/28/08)
Sen. Kennedy Is Described As "The Dean Of The Democratic Party's Liberal Wing." (Alain Jean-Robert, "Race Goes National After Obama's Big South Carolina Win," Agence France Presse, 1/28/08)
"In 2006, [Sen. Obama] Was One Of 13 Senate Democrats With A Perfect Liberal Score On Economic Issues." (Richard E. Cohen, "Left To Right," National Journal, 3/2/07)
Sen. Kennedy Also Received A Perfect Liberal Score On Economic Issues. (National Journal Website, www.nationaljournal.com, Accessed 1/27/08)
In 2005, The U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Gave Sen. Obama A Ranking Of 39 Percent. (U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Website, www.uschamber.com, Accessed 1/27/08)
In 2005, The U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Gave Sen. Kennedy A Ranking Of 28 Percent. (U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Website, www.uschamber.com, Accessed 1/27/08)
In 2006, Americans For Democratic Action (ADA), America's Oldest Liberal Organization, Gave Sen. Obama A 95 Percent Democrat Ranking. (Americans For Democratic Action Website, www.adaction.org, Accessed 1/27/08)
In 2006, Americans For Democratic Action Gave Sen. Kennedy A 100 Percent Democrat Ranking. (Americans For Democratic Action Website, www.adaction.org, Accessed 1/27/08)
Sen. Obama, Like Sen. Kennedy, Is A Rubber Stamp For The Democrat Party:
In 2006, Sen. Obama Voted With The Democrat Party 96 Percent Of The Time. (Congressional Quarterly Website, www.cq.com, Accessed 1/27/08)
In 2006, Sen. Kennedy Voted With The Democrat Party 99 Percent Of The Time. (Congressional Quarterly Website, www.cq.com, Accessed 1/27/08)
A Product Of The RNC Research Department
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