By Jonathan Tallman
Last night in South Carolina, Senator John McCain defeated former Governor Mike Huckabee in a race that will give Senator McCain the momentum going into the Florida primary, where McCain leads by two percentage points, to win the Republican nomination. Senator McCain did very well among independents and retired military members and enhanced his support from 2000 among Republicans and conservatives as well as Evangelicals. He nearly tied Governor Huckabee in Greenville, SC, the town where Bob Jones University is located. In 2000, McCain lost that area by nearly 20 points. McCain also won among those who said the War in Iraq was the major issue for them and split on those who claimed the economy as the number one issue
Last night in South Carolina, Senator John McCain defeated former Governor Mike Huckabee in a race that will give Senator McCain the momentum going into the Florida primary, where McCain leads by two percentage points, to win the Republican nomination. Senator McCain did very well among independents and retired military members and enhanced his support from 2000 among Republicans and conservatives as well as Evangelicals. He nearly tied Governor Huckabee in Greenville, SC, the town where Bob Jones University is located. In 2000, McCain lost that area by nearly 20 points. McCain also won among those who said the War in Iraq was the major issue for them and split on those who claimed the economy as the number one issue
Senator McCain's win in South Carolina shows the nation
his viability as a candidate.
After last night, McCain has won New Hampshire (Northeastern state), South Carolina (Southern state), and a second place finish to a Michigan native (Central state). These wins from three diverse parts of the country are evidence of McCain’s ability to bring numerous electoral groups together.
win last night puts him in a good position to win the
nomination. Senator McCain has the lead in Florida, California, and
national polling. His win last night will only increase those
poll numbers, especially in Florida, where a defeat could bring the end of a
Huckabee and Giuliani candidacy.
In his victory speech at the Citadel with chants of "Mac is back" and "U.S.A.," Senator McCain pointed to restoring faith and trust in our government. He pointed out that he is "...not running for president to be somebody but to do something." Senator McCain said that it is the job of our government to "...keep this country safe from its enemies and the American people free of a heavy-handed government..."
From here, Senator John McCain will head to Florida. Senator McCain's victory will help propel him to win in Florida and beyond. The race ahead will be difficult and grueling, but in the words of Senator McCain, "we can overcome any challenge."
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