Daily Difference – Republicans
In the Republican Primary, McCain (32 percent) led Mitt Romney (23 percent), Rudy Giuliani (11 percent), Mike Huckabee (10 percent), Ron Paul (8 percent), Fred Thompson (2 percent) and Duncan Hunter (1 percent). Thirteen percent were undecided. Rudy Giuliani’s numbers have declined in six consecutive polls, from a high of 37 percent in March 2007 to 11 percent as of Jan. 2, 2008.
Here is the
Franklin Pierce University / WBZ Poll from January 2, 2008:

McCain led 46 percent-to-24 percent among older voters. He also led among both registered Republicans and independents, the latter a former stronghold of the Romney campaign. In addition, Ron Paul’s third-place showing among independents (11 percent) may reduce the available independent pie left on election day.
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