By Editorial, Concord Monitor
December 29, 2007
Article Excerpts
Like the gyroscopes that keep ships and planes on course, firm principles and a profound sense of honor guide Sen. John McCain. He learns from his mistakes, but he does not abandon long-held beliefs, even when his stands could cost him the presidency.
McCain's willingness to break with his party on issues like climate change and immigration, his honesty and his refusal to pander make him the Monitor's choice in the Jan. 8 Republican presidential primary.
Last summer in Concord, with his campaign broke and his unwavering support for the war in Iraq costing him politically, McCain said he would rather lose the presidential race than lose the war. No one in the room doubted that he meant exactly what he said. Since then, he has earned the support of New Hampshire voters by attending town meeting after town meeting, where he has invited tough questions and answered them.
We do not agree with McCain on every issue. We doubted the wisdom of committing more American troops to a surge in Iraq, yet events may prove McCain right. Either way, we are secure in the knowledge that in coming to his decision, McCain put the well-being of the nation and the troops above all else.
As a soldier and a senator, McCain has
proven that he can lead. His legislative history demonstrates his willingness to
work in a bipartisan manner to achieve common ends. And because he has paid the
price of war, he more than the other candidates can gauge whether putting troops
in harm's way is worth the consequences.
Earlier in the campaign, when McCain was being counted out, a consultant might have urged a makeover: Lose the moral compass on torture and immigration, ditch the vision for a turnaround in Iraq.
Not a chance. John McCain held on to his principles and defended them with dignity.
New Hampshire residents who vote in the Republican primary should reward that integrity with their votes.
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