My name is John McJunkin, and I am the "editor" behind The Voice of Liberty Podcast, which was born at the Conservative Leadership Conference in Reno last month. I sat on a panel with an esteemed group of bloggers, including Ed Morrissey of Captain's Quarters, Warner Todd Huston (who blogs for seemingly everybody,) and Andrea Shea-King (the Radio Patriot.) The panel was moderated by yet another fine conservative blogger, The Blue Collar Muse (aka Ken Marrero.) After a rousing discussion with our panel, we hung around and chatted and an acorn was planted. My podcast production firm, Avalon Podcasting, was the official podcast production services provider for CLC07 (the podcasts are available here,) and podcasting was a major topic at the conference. We fellow panelists kept in touch, and our acorn grew into a podcast, which was launched about two weeks ago.
We have received a warm welcome, and we are now hoping to grow our listenership. In our estimation, our podcast is a one-of-a-kind, being the only conservative group podcast of which I am personally aware. We believe this makes it newsworthy. Our goal is to eventually increase our publication frequency from weekly to daily, and possibly even more than that (I'm developing some technical solutions that will help facilitate this.) We'd eventually like to be a completely auditory blog, as it were, along the lines of National Review Online's Corner blog. We will certainly augment our ranks over time as well. Our primary purpose is strictly political - we're all doing fine financially, so monetization of our podcast is not on our radarscope at the current time, and it's hard to imagine when it would become a focus (other than covering bandwidth expenses, etc.)
So we come, with hat in hand, to ask for a position on your blogroll, or if you don't maintain one, a nice mention of some kind. We're confident that when people hear our podcast, they'll keep coming back, week after week. And if you're really feeling generous and ready to dish out some love, we're also promoting a notion that's relatively new, and completely unheard-of in the conservative blogosphere - the podroll. You'll note ours at our website - and it's sparsely populated for now, as podcasting is just starting to catch on. If you'd be willing to establish such a thing, and include us in it, we'd be absolutely over the moon. It goes without saying that we are willing to reciprocate with your blog on our roll, of course. The technical process of establishing a podroll is essentially identical to establishing a blogroll (and to the best of my knowledge, you can have both simultaneously with most major blog hosts.) And again - if you're unwilling to go that far, we'd understand completely, but we would appreciate at the very least an appearance on your blogroll.)
Please do me a huge favor and visit our podcast website, and take a little time to hear the podcast itself. There are currently two episodes up (and my audio-producer ear tells me that the second one is a huge improvement over the first.) The combined length of these two episodes is about an hour - and one of the beautiful things about podcasts is that they can be loaded into your iPod or played right over your computer speakers. Either way, you can go about your business otherwise, and listen while you multitask - cleaning house, paying bills, commuting to or from work, or jogging on the treadmill or in the park. Please give it a listen, and please consider adding a podroll, or if not, at least add us to your blogroll.
The left has not begun to leverage podcasting in earnest, and we want to beat them to the punch - we'd like to get there en masse long before they do. The right owns talk radio, so it only makes sense to me that we work hard to dominate the corresponding medium on the Internet. We're trying to start a new conservative grassfire, and we are in possession of the latest arrow in the quiver. Help us really make a splash - you have no idea how much it would be appreciated. Also, if you have any questions about podcasting - I'm thrilled to speak with you about it - I can help you gather the necessary technology and provide you with the know-how to produce a simple podcast of your own. Feel free to call my office at 480-219-8800 or e-mail me at john@avalonpodcasting.com. We thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide us in making our podcast a major splash.
The left has not begun to leverage podcasting in earnest, and we want to beat them to the punch - we'd like to get there en masse long before they do. The right owns talk radio, so it only makes sense to me that we work hard to dominate the corresponding medium on the Internet. We're trying to start a new conservative grassfire, and we are in possession of the latest arrow in the quiver. Help us really make a splash - you have no idea how much it would be appreciated. Also, if you have any questions about podcasting - I'm thrilled to speak with you about it - I can help you gather the necessary technology and provide you with the know-how to produce a simple podcast of your own. Feel free to call my office at 480-219-8800 or e-mail me at john@avalonpodcasting.com. We thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide us in making our podcast a major splash.
Best regards,
John F. McJunkin
Avalon Podcasting, LLC
480-219-8800 (in AZ)
866-401-2354 FAX
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