Thursday, November 08, 2007

Laura Knaperek Endorses Reagan 21 Program

Laura Knaperek Endorses Reagan 21 Program

Pledges never to support earmark spending

TEMPE, AZ – Former state legislator and Arizona Congressional District 5 candidate Laura Knaperek today endorsed Reagan 21, a new national organization launched by Arizona Congressman John Shadegg designed to return the Republican Party to its fundamental values of fiscal responsibility, freedom and limited government.

“I wholeheartedly applaud Congressman Shadegg for taking the
initiative to launch this important new organization. We simply must rebuild the
people’s trust in our government and party,”
Knaperek said.

“The Reagan 21 program reminds us all that the Republican Party
is the party of fiscal responsibility and optimism. As a candidate for Arizona’s
5th Congressional District, I am proud to endorse the principles of Reagan 21.
Let us return to the Republican Party of Ronald Reagan,”
Knaperek said.

In keeping with the Reagan 21 commitment to ethics in government and fiscal responsibility, Knaperek has pledged not to support earmark spending or pursue pork barrel projects when elected to Congress.

“Earmarks are often inserted into bills with no
transparency and can easily be used as a political payback. As a result, we now
have former Members of Congress that are in prison for public
Knaperek said.
“We must reform the entire system so that members of the
people’s House do not have so many easy opportunities for corruption. The
citizens of our country deserve a government that is transparent in its
transactions and free from corruption.”

While in the Arizona State Legislature, Knaperek earned a reputation as a budget hawk committed to reigning in government spending.

“The American people have rightly lost confidence in Congress’
ability to be responsible stewards of our tax dollars. Pork barrel spending is
just one example of how Congress has lost all fiscal discipline. I have a clear
record as a fiscal conservative and I fully embrace the values of Reagan 21.
When I’m elected to Congress, I will never pursue an earmark and I will fight to
put an end to this unethical practice,”
Knaperek said.

Knaperek continued, saying,
“I call on Harry Mitchell and the other candidates in the race
to make this same pledge never to support earmarks or pork barrel

November 8, 2007
Contact: Garrick Taylor
Office: (480) 303-7175

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