Friday, November 09, 2007

HORST KRAUS wins the AZ Secretary of State's GOLDEN RULE CITIZEN Award!

HORST KRAUS presented the 'Golden Rule Citizen Award'
By Maricopa County Clerk of the Superior Court

HORST KRAUS, President of the Grand Canyon Pachyderm Club & LD-6 Secretary, was recently awarded the Arizona Secretary of State's 'GOLDEN RULE CITIZEN' Award.

Kraus, a longtime Republican Volunteer and supporter, received the award at the GCPC Meeting on Thursday November 8, 2007.

He was Awarded the GOP Volunteer of the Year for LD-6 in 2004, and
Given the George F. Hixson Fellowship Award by Kiwanis International for outstanding community service.

1 comment:

Touchdown said...

Congrats Horst!