Memo To:
McCain Supporters
Rick Davis, Campaign Manager
McCain's Campaign Surge
Several polls have been released over the past two weeks that show Senator McCain is surging in national primary election polling. We normally don't place a lot of emphasis on these polls, but it is impossible to ignore the documentation of trends that we are seeing in other areas of the campaign as well - and that is the simple fact that John McCain is back and surging ahead of the competition.

Pew Research released a poll last week showing Senator McCain passing Fred Thompson to move into second place. It was the first time since July that Senator McCain placed as high as second in a national poll. We didn't alert you to this because we wanted to wait and see if additional public polls show a similar trend. They have.
As you can see from the chart at the right, Senator McCain has now moved into second place in consecutive national polls.
This trend is congruent with what we are seeing in our internal survey analysis in important early primary and caucus states. It is important to focus on the reasons for the resurgence:
Senator McCain is and has always been
the best candidate in the race and is the right man for the right time to lead
our country. We are in a war against radical Islamic extremism and Senator
McCain is by far the best wartime candidate on either side of the aisle to be
Commander-in-Chief on day one.
John McCain is the only conservative who can beat Hillary Clinton and polls confirm it. McCain is a consistent, longtime conservative who has a long history of being pro-life, is a leader in the fight against earmarks and wasteful spending, and an advocate for a strong national defense.
McCain has long supported the issues that will keep the Reagan coalition together - protecting our values, promoting fiscal responsibility and defending America. Republican primary voters are moving towards John McCain as they realize he is a better general election candidate than Rudy Giuliani because of his unique ability to hold together the Reagan coalition of conservative, Independents, and Reagan Democrats.
McCain's leadership in the Iraq War is paying off. Senator McCain is getting credit for ‘being right from the beginning’ about the failed Rumsfeld strategy and the need for more troops. He is the only candidate experienced enough in both defense and foreign policy to have called for strategic change in Iraq as early as 2003. While others sat quietly, John McCain led for a change.
As we are one year out from Election Day 2008, it is critical to get this information out to all of our team. Please forward this memo to the people you know. Not all of this gets picked up by the mainstream press so we want to make sure that the good news is getting out to our supporters everywhere.
Thanks. Together we can help John McCain restore hope in America and faith in our future.

Rick Davis
Campaign Manager
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