Senator McCain Statement On Patriot Day 2007

WASHINGTON, DC- U.S. Senator McCain (R-AZ) today released the following statement about the sixth anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks.
No American who witnessed the events of that day will ever forget
what happened on September 11th, six years ago. As we watched the towers fall
and the Pentagon burn, the realization sank into the heart of every one of us:
America was under attack.
"We lost a great deal that day - thousands of
innocent lives, our sense of security - but our nation stood strong. We united,
first in sorrow and anger and then in the recognition that we were attacked for
who we are - a people united in a kinship of ideals, committed to the
fundamental truth that all men and women are created equal and endowed by God
with inalienable rights.
"We united as Americans, and we must, whatever
our disagreements, stick together in the great challenge of our time. On this
day, let us recognize those heroes lost on September 11, 2001, and others who
subsequently sacrificed their lives in the War on Terror. They will not be
forgotten. Let us also, in their memory, remain united as Americans as we
continue to battle the forces that threaten our country and the cherished ideals
for which we stand."
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