John McCain:
"In all due respect to the other candidates, I've been involved on these issues
of national security and the war against radical Islamic extremism for all my
adult life. ... On the issue of Iraq, I am convinced that if we set a date for
withdrawal, it's a date for surrender. Just four days ago, the President of Iran
said quote, 'We will fill the void when America leaves Iraq.' Is that what we
want to happen? Do we want the Iranians to take over in Iraq?"
John McCain:
"I have spent my life in national security issues. I have taken unpopular stands
because I knew what was right...I know the conflict. I know war. I have seen
war. I know how the military works. I know how the government works. I
understand national security. I have led - I was once the commanding officer of
the largest squadron in the United States Navy. I didn't manage it. I led it."
WSMN Nashua's Jennifer Horn: "As far as a candidate who understands why we fight, it's Sen. John McCain. There's no question about that. And I do remember that speech that he made criticizing Donald Rumsfeld a couple of years back, I think he said it was 2003 where he was roundly criticized for criticizing Rumsfeld. But as it turns out, he was exactly on the mark when it came to that, and he talked about increasing the number of troops over there and taking a different type of approach than what we were all along. As just these couple of months, what they keep calling the surge, just this couple of months, has been incredibly successful. We've seen tremendous progress forward."
Listen To John McCain On WSMN Nashua
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