Does anyone really believe that Rep. Russell Pearce (LD-18) is going to actually run against Congressman Jeff Flake?
Pearce is term limited in his present job. We have heard this before (in 2006, Pearce briefly talked about running against Flake but nothing came of it).
A poll put out last week by the GOPUSA Web Site, a National Conservative Republican site,
asked the question: "Who do you want to be elected as US Rep in CD-6?"
Here are the results:
Jeff Flake -- 97%
Russell Pearce -- 2%
Neither -- 0%
Undecided -- 0%
Total Votes: 1649
Granted, as it says on the poll, "Please note that GOPUSA polls are not scientific."
In today's Arizona Republic 'Political Insider' , in an e-mail that Pearce wrote to his supporters, he said the following:
Subject: "I am behind in the poll"
"Regarding the pole. (sic) Just got an e-mail that
someone or several people are voting several times according to the GOPUSA
person that e-mailed me. Apparentally (sic) here is how to do it if you don't
already know (I was just told how): First vote once, click the back button on
your browser a couple of times Go to 'tools' 'internet options...' delete
cookies and files."This clears the browser memory so you can return to the vote
page and it does not know you already voted. We need a lot of people to do this
to catch up. Pass this to people you trust."Russell PearcePearce will end up switching places with Sen. Karen Johnson
& running for the State Senate. The Business community will NOT support
Pearce, here is an example:"Speaking of splitting the GOP: With the passage of the
employer-sanctions bill, big business appears to have finally had enough of
Pearce and his crowd. The Arizona Contractors Association and Arizona Employers
for Immigration Reform are suing to overturn the employer-sanctions law, saying
that it violates due-process rights and that the federal government is supposed
to be enforcing immigration violations, not the states"
Source: Tucson
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