Thursday, August 16, 2007

Wonder where the Death Threats came from?

Republican presidential candidate John McCain said Wednesday that the issue of illegal immigration angered people unlike no other, including the unpopular war in Iraq, and sparked unprecedented death threats against him.

"It is unbelievable how this has inflamed the passions of
the American people,"
the Arizona senator said in remarks at The Aspen Institute, a public policy forum. In an interview, he declined to elaborate on the threats he had received.

McCain acknowledged that the immigration issue, along with his support for the war in Iraq, had cost him politically.

"Look, I've got to do what I know is right for this
country. These issues I have to take head-on,"
he said.

McCain said the United States is making progress in Iraq, and he recommended that the U.S. take a hard line against Iran. He said an alternative is needed to the United Nations, where Iran's supporters have blocked sanctions, and that the U.S. should set up another coalition with democratic nations.

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