Judge (Somewhere in the Middle East)*: I see you still have a mouth.
Girl: My only defense in this male-dominated world.
Judge: It was not much of a defense, and probably a hindrance. You do not show proper respect for your elders.
Girl: Oh, heavens! You would not allow me to have a defense counsel and would not allow me to say anything in my defense. What was I supposed to do, let you bad-mouth me like my male relatives?
Judge: I was not obligated to listen to a defense lawyer and you did not have four female witnesses or two male witnesses who saw each act.
Girl: Right. I did have four male witnesses—but they were the culprits. You did not question them at my trial. That would have turned things around.
Judge: All of those male “witnesses” were whipped.
Girl: Oh, right. And today, I am waiting for the noose and the crane to lift me high above the city to slowly strangle to death. Where are the males?
Judge: They were judged fairly according to our laws.
Girl: You will pardon me if I don’t kiss your feet for that. Our laws, indeed.
Judge: You are still mouthy and disrespectful!
Girl: Tell me, learned one, just whom should I respect?
Judge: (Picks up the noose and adjusts it) You did not have your female witnesses in court.
Girl: Of course not, you old fool! Their husbands would not allow them to go. Did you expect anything different? If they went, and they were allowed to tell the truth, I would be innocent of these false charges—charges you know are false.
Judge: (places the noose around her neck and adjusts it again. But that’s the law!
Girl: It is only a law, and a bad law at that, because you morons and people like you want it that way in order to escape any responsibility for your cruelty to women and children. How old is your wife, Judge?
Judge: (Pulls the noose tight and causes pain) That is none of your business.
Girl: Ha! Struck a nerve did I? What will you do when you tire of her, accuse her of being unfaithful and then forbid her to testify? I really feel sorry for her. And sorry for the system that takes people like you serious. You are a disgrace.
Judge: (Signals the crane operator to drop the hook slowly) You are just about to meet your judgment and you are still disrespectful to the officials appointed over you.
Girl: You know something, you old fool, the people in the heavens beyond this earth are not who you think they are. I have had time to think and dream and they came to me in a dream and said that I was not to be afraid. They sat with me in my dream and told me they know I am innocent and that they do have a special place in the fire for people like you.
Judge: (Lifts the metal ring at the tail of the noose and places it on the steel hook) No one beyond the heavens would ever come to visit a piece of trash like you in a dream.
Girl: (Looks skyward, eyes focused and her face steeled) There are many things in this world and the next you do not know. Well, if you look up there, you can just about see them—yes, they are there all right. And I am going to tell them all about you. You use religion to satisfy your own needs and your blood lust. The males that raped me were all taught that women are nothing and for their use to do with as they will. The law defends their animal instincts. But you are worse. You and people like you are monsters of the earth. I am well rid of you.
Judge: (Signals the operator to begin lifting the hook) You are on your way to the flames.
Girl: (Speaks with difficulty) I go to God. He…waits. Lord, I’m coming… com...
Judge: (To himself) What is the matter with her? Nobody visited her in a dream. (He looks skyward) The sun is altering my vision. Who would ever visit her? I need to go rest; that crazy girl has upset me. A visit in a dream! He looked upward again and frowned.
The crane operator stopped the ascent of the girl's body, leaving her twisting slowly in the mild wind. The operator noted the judge still looking upward toward the body. He shook his head then and wondered what was the matter with that judge.
*Note: Based on a true story. The conversation between the judge and the girl while he actually placed the noose around her neck was not recorded. Perhaps it was more interesting than my imagination.
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