"I'm glad the press has made people aware of what is occurring in
We have work to do!!!
the Republican Party. I have changed to independent, and many of my associates
have made this change also.We are tired of the rabid mindless representation we
have in Arizona and nationwide. It looks like a game of "Can you top this?" From
who can scream the loudest and propose the wildest bills to ex-Sen. Duke
Cunningham, now a guest of the federal prison system.The country is fed up with
the incessant rants from the right and will correct all of this in the 2008
elections. There will be increased Democratic majorities in the House and Senate
and a Democratic president. Republicans will bring the wrath of voters down on
their heads." - Ben Harper,Prescott Valley

Yes, you do. The 2008 blue tsunami, produced entirely by a relatively small number of people (think White House and a few others), devastates your party.
Independents are sympathetic to many GOP concepts, among them accountability and responsibility and a resistance to excessive entitlements. Many also like the idea of fiscal responsibility and a solid economic and military infrastructure.
What do you think has happened over the last six years? The GOP has cancer. You need to remove some tumors and begin chemotherapy.
The good stuff inside the GOP will resurrect itself. The country will naturally choke when the blue goes too far into their own pathologies.
The 2008 election is still 15 months away, an eternity in politics. I agree some surgery needs to be performed, but I also feel there is plenty enough time to "recover". Thank You for your post X4MR, well said.
Start the purge now. The state party chair & his croonies should resign due to lack of ability & no results.
For the good of the party, he should exit immediately.
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