We just received a call from the State Republican Party. The GOP USA Poll has been taken down. Word has it that Don Goldwater, former candidate for Governor, was the one who had the poll put on the GOP USA site...
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What is the matter with the Righteous of the Right Wing of my party?
If anyone has a problem with the Republican Party Leadership, just call the Chairman, he is available you know.
Talk to him privately and offer advise, consent and support.
Writing a check to the party is not illegal either.
Y’all hear.
We are facing a pivotal election in less than fifteen month and the winners for the Presidency and key legislative positions could well become a given during the primary in less than six months.
A loss of the White House during a crucial war with a fierce international enemy, namely “Islamic Terrorism” will propel the leadership of the free world into the fangs of the appeasers, the political correct, the cutters and the runners and it will for sure devastate the future of mankind and civilization as we know it to day.
Now is the time to circle the wagons and demonstrate unity and show strength.
For those who have nothing better to offer but crying and wringing their hands I wish they take a day off and we’d all feel better.
As always, a very eloquent posting. The poll, which was posted on GOPUSA by a supporter of Don Goldwater, was meant to divide an already fractured party. Your efforts to try to unite ALL Republicans is commendable. It is time to once again become the 'Big Tent'
Party of the past.
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