Thelda Williams has been a long time supporter of the Second Amendment and the Ben Avery Shooting Facility (BASF). While she was Mayor/Councilmember in the City of Phoenix she orchestrated the annexation which allowed us to protect the range. In 1995 she also had the City of Phoenix become a contender for the operations of the BASF from Maricopa County. The State Game and Fish Department decided to run the range after Maricopa County's lease expired. For those who have been involved in the preservation of the range over the years, you know that Thelda Williams has been there in the past, working to prevent encroachment of the BASF. She has also helped me tremendously in the acquisition of the Pioneer History Museum which is a great historic asset and an important buffer to the BASF.
It seems as if one of her opponents, Stacey O'Connell, in the current District One council race is accusing her of being anti BASF and anti Second Amendment. This couldn't be further from the truth. She has participated in many Friends of the NRA events and was with me at the last Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association's dinner. What bothers me the most is that I have put more effort in organizing the protection of the BASF than any other individual that I know of. I was the one who put the idea and team together to run legislation, (sponsored by Representative John Nelson) to save the BASF from potential sale. At no time have I ever seen Stacey O'Connell involved in the protection of the BASF or the preservation of the Pioneer History Museum.
The City of Phoenix General Plan is being used to protect the BASF from residential encroachment with an approximate buffer of one mile, west of I-17. With Thelda Williams' experience as a Mayor/Councilmember, Planning Commission member and Planning Hearing Officer, I have consulted with her on many issues over the years including my effort to save the BASF. For those of us who worked tirelessly to save the range, we know who was involved, and Stacey O'Connell was nowhere to be found. Now he is using the BASF as a reason to vote for him when he did nothing to protect it.
Thelda Williams has also worked for Sheriff Joe Arpaio for over a decade. She worked with him to provide support for the shooters to have access to law enforcement support in any paperwork they needed for firearms acquisition. She has been a long time supporter of the Second Amendment and should be commended for her accomplishments.
There are so many important issues facing the City of Phoenix, and the need for competent, honest leadership is essential. People who run for office should be acknowledged for their accomplishment and they should also give "Straight Talk and Honest Answers." You deserve nothing less.
Dave Siebert
Vice Mayor,
City of Phoenix
District One
Video of Thelda Williams - CLICK HERE
Courtesy of KTVK Channel 3 TV - Phoenix
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