Look at this. The UK believers have claimed sovereignty over both the United States and Great Britain!
Mani (Mainstream):
What does that really mean? Has the Sharia been accepted there?
Radi (Radical):
No! But the British are not doing a thing about our guys there raising all that fuss. They are shouting, threatening death, scaring the hell out of people with taunts of beheadings and unleashed jihad. Even the moderates like Modi here are just standing around not saying anything.
But that’s just in London! They are so politically correct they simply cannot say or do anything that would be offensive to anyone, even you guys.
I have heard that: “Do not offend the people who came to kill you!” But isn’t that the way it is in the U.S.?
I certainly hope so. Aren’t they as cowardly there as they are in Europe? Aren’t they the same people?
No, many Americans are different. I know, I know, you have watched these clunks Kennedy, Kerry, Pelosi, and Reid on CNN and C-Span and they give you fits of laughter. Believe me, these are only the inept leaders! The American people are a lot different than that.
I don’t understand. Aren’t the leaders from among the people?
Many times no. The Americans for some reason seem to give their allegiances to nuts who don’t even like them. Look at what’s happening here. On one hand the American people want to win their war against Radi’s buddies in Iraq, yet half the American leadership wants to surrender. The leaders claim their forces aren’t getting anywhere, but they are the ones holding the troops back.
You are right, Modi! My buddies are getting killed like crazy and we are trying as best we can to hang on. Thank Allah that the American leadership keeps telling us to hang on a little longer and they will pull the troops out. If they ever stop doing that, we will have to pack up and leave. Those troops are too much for us when they act independently. But to know that we only have to hang on a little longer, whew! Allah is really helping us there.
We are really helping you there also, Radi. Without us mainstream believers, you guys would have no source of recruitment. We are the backbone of the radical movement and you know it!
I can see that. Yes, the radicals recruit from the mainstream and the mainstream recruits from newbies. But do not discount the help we moderates bring to the cause. We could be writing letters, marching, advising the administration to get rid of its radical advisors, but we don’t.
Mani:Yeah! I am surprised that you are a moderate because we all know that moderates are as much a target as unbelievers. When we take over all these countries—or whenever the countries are just handed to us—you people will be the first to lose your heads, after the Leftists, of course.
Yeah! I am really eager to get my hands on some girly boys!
Radi, you can’t lop off their heads; you have to bury them alive, throw them off a building, or topple a cement wall on them. You must stay with tradition.
Darn! That’s no fun.
Radi, killing people is not supposed to be fun! That is why I remain a moderate, Mani; I just do not hold with indiscriminate killing and general mayhem.
You also do not care about establishing an international Caliphate and having everyone respond to the call “Allah-hu Akbar” five times or more each day.
I would not go that far. I just do not believe in slight breaches in culture or tradition as an excuse for killing. A Caliphate would not work in this world; too many people are different and they should not be killed along with their families because they are different.
Nah! That is the main reason they should all be killed. By being different they are a threat to believers. We should obey the book: “Kill them wherever you find them!”
Radi, you know that only had to do with the Meccans during the Hejira, many centuries ago! That has nothing to do with today!
You keep saying that and it is not true! Allah never sent another prophet to us to say that all of those ayats were changed and that we should not hate and kill Jews and Christians any more.
Yep, he’s right. Besides, Allah said he wasn’t going to send any more prophets. So whatever has been said way back then, is still in effect today. And believe me, I am going to kill them wherever I find them.
We don’t know any of this, you guys. Sure it was written, but we were told that Allah created the writing and revealed it to our Most Beloved verse by verse. We were told that. Do you understand what that means? There is no way that we could know it was true! We were told to believe it. Don't you have an inner voice that rebels?
And that is the difference between you moderates and us. You know you believe it, but you do not want to because it does not fit your modern view of “live and let live.” You are spoiled rotten because you have thrived without jihad and want this good life to continue.
Modi:There’s nothing wrong with the life I live. It is a good way and I am still a believer and do the things believers do. I enjoy my wife and children. I want to see them grow up in peace and safety. I am a good believer!
Except that you take Christians and Jews for your friends, allow your neighbors to eat pork and drink alcohol without confronting them, and you do not support jihad!
I pay my Zakat and much of that goes toward supporting jihad.
Modi, you know in your heart it is not enough! You must wage war!
On my own neighbors?
On your own family if necessary! Half a believer is not a believer. You are either with us 100% or against us! There is no other way.
You are forcing me to make a choice between what I know is right and what you think is right! Isn’t the world big enough for all of us? Can’t we all just get along?
Nope! This is our way! This is the way it has always been. This is the way it will always be as long as Radi and I are alive to see it stays that way.
I see you are not giving the world much choice in the matter.
Mani, Radi:No! It is either us or them! No negotiation, no treaties, no surrender! We cannot live with the world the way it is—with all of those other people in it! We were ordered to kill them all, and that is exactly what we will do, no matter what.
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