Pat, one of the "Mind Numbed Robots"
from the 'McCain Hater Blog', requested
an article on Sen. McCain. Well Pat,
here you go:
Keene Sentinel: Blunt McCain
July 30, 2007
"[O]ne candidate has turned his face to the fire. John McCain says the
United States can't just leave Iraq to its own resources. Not yet. He contends
that halting progress is being made there, and he insists that the recent U.S.
military escalation be given a chance to work." -- Keene [NH] Sentinel
Excerpts From The Keene Sentinel Blunt McCain Editorial July 29, 2007 The current Democratic presidential candidates have mostly settled on the idea that the United States can simply turn around and go home -- a sorry-about-that solution that could leave Iraq in even more bloody chaos than is the case today ... By and large, the Republican presidential candidates have been trying to speak in generalities about the war and avoid the subject if possible, because if the truth be told nobody knows what to do now. ...
But one candidate has turned his face to the fire. John McCain says the United States can't just leave Iraq to its own resources. Not yet. He contends that halting progress is being made there, and he insists that the recent U.S. military escalation be given a chance to work. ...
"I think if you divide it (Iraq) into three countries, you've got incredible strife in Baghdad between two million Sunni and four million Shia. I think if you withdraw to enclaves on the border, there's no way militarily that works. I heard several senators say, 'Well, we'll only go in and make sure we stop al-Qaida.' But does everybody wear T-shirts now? One of them says al-Qaida? Another one says Shiite militia? Another one says Sunni militia? 'Excuse me, sir, you over there planting that IED? Are you a Shiite militia or are you al-Qaida? Oh, you're Shiite militia, well excuse me. I'm sorry I disturbed you.' What is that all about? It's nonsensical."
That sort of blunt talk -- on Iraq and on immigration -- has helped knock McCain from his former perch as the GOP's front-runner. His assessment of the situation in Iraq does not appeal to people who like their politicians to assure them that everything will be painless and all will be well. ...
But McCain makes a sadly persuasive case. He says either the United States gets a handle on the conflict it started in Iraq or "I don't know a good option." He may be unusually frank about that point, but he's hardly alone.
Read Entire Article: Keene Sentinel

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