Modi (Moderate): Yep. It is not just educators, it is their educated fools in authority.
Radi (Radical): Well, what about religion in general?
Modi: The religions that they consider part of their historical culture are Judaism and Christianity. To their way of thinking, a little skewed, somehow as part of the Western culture they were responsible for all the wars that have devastated both the British Isles and the Continent.
Mani: Does that include the Crusades?
Modi: They are part of it. But just like here, if you talk to anyone who has been educated in Leftist universities you hear just about the same theme: any political system before socialism is bad. Socialism will save the world from itself.
Radi: But we are not socialists. Nasser appeared to be, but he was not accepted everywhere. He pushed a pan-Arab agenda. But he relied to much on the Soviets.
Mani: Nasser was okay, but militant only in nationalism, not in his religion. He suppressed the Brotherhood and had Qutb executed. We can’t forgive him for that. But if the Europeans are down in religion, why are so many of us immigrating there?
Modi: Radi, we are not socialists, but we are pretty close. But about our immigrating to Europe, there are more than a few reasons for that. One reason is that the Europeans were so confused by these Leftists who are bent on destroying their civilization, that they are just not having children. And they love their social programs, but soon they could lose them because there would be no one to pay for them. When you kill your babies, who is there to look after you in your old age?
Radi: Oh! So they bring our guys in to work and help pay for those programs.
Modi: Exactly. So some of us go there to work and live and grow old in the UK and Europe. But others have been thrown out of all the Middle Eastern countries and can only go to Europe—Europe can’t throw them out if they can’t return to their own countries. It’s their stupid law! I can never figure out why the West tries to commit suicide.
Mani: They can’t throw out even the terrorists who are plotting and scheming and raising havoc?
Radi: Yeah. I heard that from some folks I know in London. You won’t believe what they can get away with there. They would be killed here for doing what they can’t get arrested for there.
Mani: Like what?
Radi: Demonstrating against the government and screaming defiance at the top of their lungs in the town squares; they threaten everyone.
Mani: If Europe is down on religion, why is our religion tolerated when our guys flaunt it?
Modi: We were not part of their historic culture. We are part of the “suppressed minorities” so loved by the Left. And the European leadership considers us something like a back-to-nature religion, the pure and uncorrupt simpletons who only want to work, pray, and serve Allah.
Mani: But that’s who we are!
Modi: But in serving Allah, we also serve ourselves by absorbing the riches of the lands we conquer, adding their inventions to our inventory, adding their cultures to our own, and encroaching farther and farther into their world to take it from them and remove them from the world or just enslave them like we did to so many over time.
Radi: Mani, I think we are being insulted. What is he calling us?
Mani: Now wait a second; just what would you have us do?
Modi: What is wrong with not fighting with them and not scheming to take their lands? They invited us to come into their countries and be like them—oops, no. I got that wrong. They were supposed to invite us into their countries to live and work alongside them and become emerged into their culture and they into ours, to become one people together. But as usual, the socialists and communists got it wrong again.
Mani: How’s that?
Modi: They have this insane idea that we must come into their country and set up our own cultural communities separate from theirs, parallel communities that do not even have to speak each others languages. It’s called multiculturalism. It is a product of their insane notion of equality.
Mani: Equality?
Modi: Yes. To them, individual freedom and privacy is not as important as being equal to everyone else—even if you are not. They actually think the culture of some Borneo headhunters is equal to Western culture.
Radi: By Allah, that indeed is insane.
Mani: It has already led to lots of trouble in France and England, Holland and Denmark also. Let the poor, under-privileged people from the Middle East live in their culture and practice their religion in peace, not matter how it shocks the knickers off of us!
Modi: Yes. Many of our people that go there expect a different life; to remain true to their religion, but live like Europeans and the leadership just will not allow it—they think they are favoring us by doing this and now our kids—even those born there—are killing them because they have an identity crisis caused by this stupid and corrupt idea of multiculturalism. They don’t know who or what they are; European or Muslim. The teachings of one doesn’t match the democracy of the other. When they begin to adjust to the Western culture, even the Western professors tell them no, that that culture is terrible. And the authorities can’t see it and won’t stop the nonsense.
Mani: And I can see Radi’s friends eating that chaos all up and taking advantage of it.
Radi: Heh-heh. The name of the game is recruiting. Five minutes with one of those kids and he’s ours. Even the kids who are not of our religion want to convert and be part of something, anything.
Modi: Yes, your radical friends are taking advantage of British and European soft-headedness. Instead of being part of something, they are tearing it apart.
Radi: It is their own fault. You said it yourself: the immigrants are not allowed to merge with the populations. Don’t we have groups there that try to explain these things to their hosts?
Mani: From what I’ve seen, once those Leftist get an idea in their heads, trying to talk them out of it is like talking to cement.
Radi: Aha! I’ve got it. I know what is happening. Just like other battles, Allah is blinding our enemies to what is truth, making them do things even against their own nature. And he does this because he has chosen us as his special people to take his planet back.
Mani: Yes, Modi. Radi is right. Allah is the owner of our universe and the CEO of every nation and every business. All we do is for Him. We owe everything to Him and will gladly give it all up for Him.
Modi: Everything is for Him? What about your families? Your wives?
Radi: It is written, our wives and slaves are our gardens to till as we please. When I am married, I intend to till and till and till.
Mani: Better use a lot of fertilizer, tiller!
Modi: Ha! He’s nothing but fertilizer!
Radi: I’m going to kill you both (gives chase, laughing).
[NOTE: Two books that are highly recommended to follow up on this
thread: Londonistan, by Melanie
Phillips and While Europe Slept, by
Bruce Bawer. If you can still obtain both books by the late Oriana
Fallaci, The Rage
and the Pride, and especially The Force
of Reason, you will not find anything like them anywhere. HJS]
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