Why John McCain
John McCain is an experienced conservative leader in the tradition of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan. He is a common sense conservative who believes in a strong national defense, a smaller, more accountable government, economic growth and opportunity, the dignity of life and traditional values.
America's Strength At Home and Abroad
The world is a dangerous place, and we need a leader who is ready to assume the job as Commander in Chief on day one of the Presidency. No candidate has the experience or is better prepared for this task than John McCain. America is engaged in a war against violent Islamist extremism. A totalitarian enemy declared war on America, attacked our nation on September 11, 2001, and is committed to the destruction of the values we hold dear.
John McCain understands the importance of America's values and the need to protect freedom against the forces of hatred and despotism. As a Naval aviator, prisoner of war and a legislator who is a trusted leader on national security issues, John McCain understands that the first duty of government is to protect the American people and our freedoms. He has been on the front lines in advocating for a comprehensive strategy in the long war against violent Islamist extremism using all the instruments of national power.
While some have argued for wholesale retreat in Iraq, John McCain realizes that failure in Iraq would be devastating to U.S. national security. He has long believed that security must be established first for there to be any chance of political progress and civil stability. That is why since 2003 he has advocated for more troops and a change in strategy to give our forces in Iraq the best chance to succeed. He understands that we must not leave Iraq and the region in disarray, or it will be a security problem for the United States for many generations to come.
John McCain knows that America is a force for good in the world, and for peace and freedom to prevail our defenses must be second to none. He has been a strong proponent of missile defense, a larger Army and Marine Corps, and a broad-based strategy to stem the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. John McCain agrees with Ronald Reagan that "peace through strength" is the best policy for America.
McCain on Smaller Government and Economic Prosperity
Unfortunately, even a Republican Congress lost its way on this important principle - spending too much and growing the size of government. John McCain stood his ground even when it was unpopular, leading a tough and often lonely fight in Congress against pork barrel and other profligate government spending.
Washington too often serves special interests and ignores the interests of the American taxpayer. John McCain can be trusted to reduce the size of government and enact reforms that will make it more responsive and accountable, so that taxpayers' hard earned dollars can be used to meet national priorities, not the spending schemes of politicians more interested in their incumbency.
As President, John McCain will make it a top priority to balance the budget and get federal spending under control so that our children aren't burdened with a mountain of debt that will rob them of their future.
As President, John McCain will pursue pro-growth economic policies. He believes in simplifying the tax code, keeping marginal tax rates low, and pursuing free trade policies to increase American prosperity and competitiveness. John McCain also believes that tax cuts work best when tied to spending restraint. Higher taxes and runaway spending discourage entrepreneurship, foster wasteful tax-planning and slow long-term economic growth.
The Dignity of Life and Traditional Values
John McCain believes that marriage should be defined as a union between one man and one woman. He believes that the courts should respect the right of the people to decide this question.
As president, John McCain will fight to ensure that the law is on the side of families against the corruption and exploitation of children in the media and on the Internet.
John McCain believes judges should interpret the law, not invent it. As president, he will appoint strict constructionists to the Supreme Court and the federal judiciary.
A Leader for America
Whether in the military or civilian service, John McCain has never ducked a fight for his country or his principles - even when unpopular. Because of his courage of convictions and his experience, John McCain is ready to lead our great nation with the patriotism, principles, and strength that America deserves, the first day he assumes office.
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