Tuesday, June 19, 2007

We support Senators Kyl & McCain on the Comprehensive Immigration Bill

Commenting on the article that appeared Sunday by Senator Kyl, addressing the “Senate Comprehensive Immigration Bill” we both say: “We second the motion” Doing nothing is not a viable option. Our immigration situation is in chaos and only a comprehensive measure can bring order and system back.

We understand comprehensive means dealing with all relevant details, including all aspects into one equation, thinking and acting all inclusive.

That is our reason for supporting John McCain for President in 2008. Of all the hopeful candidates in the line-up Senator McCain appears to be the only one who can comprehend the importance of cleaning up the current mess and in doing it comprehensively does guarantee there shall be no further continuing loopholes left for anyone to slip through or to manipulate.

Horst & Gigi Kraus

1 comment:

Tony GOPrano said...

Well said! Doing nothing is what some want. The ones who use this issue to gain politically. I stand with our Senators also.