Three Arab friends: Modi (Moderate), Mani (Mainstream), and Radi (Radical)
I did some research on our Palestine and discovered that that entire area was set aside for the Jewish homeland, with the proviso that land also be set aside for a Palestinian State. I don’t know why everyone is fighting about it. Why don’t we just return to the original specifications and let it go at that. There is plenty of land.
Who told you that lie. No one has the right to do that. It is our land and nobody invited the Jews!
Yeah. He should have his head cut off. Palestine for the Palestinians! Who was it that gave it away?
It was first the League of Nations, then the United Nations followed suit and decided on the Balfour Declaration. It was a huge chunk of territory; not as much as the Jews’ original homeland here, but enough for them and the Palestinian State.
It doesn’t look like that much to me. Where do you get the “large chunk” business? And the Jews never had a homeland here!
Yeah. You should have your head cut off.
Well, it was a large chunk, but King Hussein’s Father, King Abdullah bluffed the Brits and he and Syria tore off about 75 percent of the territory. I guess you could say that the new Jordan became the “Palestinian State” that they talked about. But the Jews were here before some other folks I know. It was the Roman Empire that forced them to leave that homeland. Remember, you two guys cannot even pronounce Palestine.
You mean Jordan and Syria took three-quarters of that territory away from us? Without a vote? Just like that?
Vote? What is that? Modi, can I cut off his head?
No, Radi. Settle down. Look, there were no “Palestinians” to ask, remember? There were only Arabs. When the Ottomans fell apart, the territory was vacant and without owners, except those acres that were ceded to certain Arab chiefs. And the Jewish settlers bought much of that land themselves.
The Jews bought our land?
Aha! I’ll cut of their heads.
No, Mani. The Jews bought land from Arabs so that they could settle there and farm the land. And if there were Arabs here and there, they were not displaced unless they caused trouble. Some caused trouble, but others continued to live there in peace.
So, how did all the trouble start?
Trouble? Who is making trouble? I’ll cut off his head.
There was a great deal of trouble between the Jews and the Brits because they did not want the Jews moving in with such numbers. But they had nowhere else to go after the Holocaust. They also had problems with some Arab nations that did not want a Jewish state in the Middle East. However, the UN would not accept the reason that Allah owned the so-called “Ottoman lands”, not the Ottomans. So, the land should not have been for sale or parceled out to any state not an Arab state.
That sounds right to me. The entire world belongs to Allah and we are responsible for returning it to Him.
Now you’re talking. Let’s go cut off some heads.
It is not a good idea to rid the world of other people. We have learned centuries ago that it is not a good idea to depend on our own leadership, if they won the world, to be completely faithful to Allah and fair to all of the population. Power not only corrupts, it often leads to arrogance and injustice either of the leaders themselves or others challenging them. Just look at the history of the first few leaders, some of them actually knew the Prophet personally. One was his best friend. Yet the period was so bloody with the assassination of leaders that it finally lead to a split between Sunnis and Ashia. And even now, the Sunnis and Ashia are bent on killing each other. And the Salafists? They consider you an infidel if you are not an absolute Puritan! We really do need an international organization to interrupt on occasion and keep things on the right track.
You mean the United Nations? I like them. They give us everything we want; heh-heh, those Europeans are eating out of our hands. Allah wanted us to rule the world, that’s why he invented Liberalism. The Salafists think we’re infidels?
Liberals? Do they still have their heads? Hey, Pop told me we are Salafists! Are you two really infidels? Where’s my knife?
Radi, that is a good question about the Liberals. But about the Salafists, they need to get a life; not ours, theirs! Mani, some of those Europeans are learning that Liberalism does not work and are now giving us a tougher time to take over their countries. Killing Theo Van Gogh, putting a price on Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Oriana Fallaci, and practicing honor killings did not help. One of these days, they may find out what the Palestine business is really about; they may not be pleased.
No, they are too stupid.
I haven’t cut off a head all day; I need some exercise. Are there any Europeans around?
Radi, why don’t you settle down. Get married and raise a family?
Yeah. You are getting a one-track mind. Don’t you have a girl that you like?
Well, yes and no. I like girls but don’t have enough money to get married. So I get frustrated. The only fun I get is cutting off heads. Are you guys going to be busy the next few minutes?
Modi: You bet. But I think I can help you out of your dilemma about girls. I know a place where you can have
all the girls you want and it is no sin to hug them, kiss them, dance with them, or anything you want.
Really? Oh, my. That sounds great. Where do I sign up?
I just happened to know a chap in a popular brigade in town; Modi, let’s walk him over there.
I did some research on our Palestine and discovered that that entire area was set aside for the Jewish homeland, with the proviso that land also be set aside for a Palestinian State. I don’t know why everyone is fighting about it. Why don’t we just return to the original specifications and let it go at that. There is plenty of land.
Who told you that lie. No one has the right to do that. It is our land and nobody invited the Jews!
Yeah. He should have his head cut off. Palestine for the Palestinians! Who was it that gave it away?
It was first the League of Nations, then the United Nations followed suit and decided on the Balfour Declaration. It was a huge chunk of territory; not as much as the Jews’ original homeland here, but enough for them and the Palestinian State.
It doesn’t look like that much to me. Where do you get the “large chunk” business? And the Jews never had a homeland here!
Yeah. You should have your head cut off.
Well, it was a large chunk, but King Hussein’s Father, King Abdullah bluffed the Brits and he and Syria tore off about 75 percent of the territory. I guess you could say that the new Jordan became the “Palestinian State” that they talked about. But the Jews were here before some other folks I know. It was the Roman Empire that forced them to leave that homeland. Remember, you two guys cannot even pronounce Palestine.
You mean Jordan and Syria took three-quarters of that territory away from us? Without a vote? Just like that?
Vote? What is that? Modi, can I cut off his head?
No, Radi. Settle down. Look, there were no “Palestinians” to ask, remember? There were only Arabs. When the Ottomans fell apart, the territory was vacant and without owners, except those acres that were ceded to certain Arab chiefs. And the Jewish settlers bought much of that land themselves.
The Jews bought our land?
Aha! I’ll cut of their heads.
No, Mani. The Jews bought land from Arabs so that they could settle there and farm the land. And if there were Arabs here and there, they were not displaced unless they caused trouble. Some caused trouble, but others continued to live there in peace.
So, how did all the trouble start?
Trouble? Who is making trouble? I’ll cut off his head.
There was a great deal of trouble between the Jews and the Brits because they did not want the Jews moving in with such numbers. But they had nowhere else to go after the Holocaust. They also had problems with some Arab nations that did not want a Jewish state in the Middle East. However, the UN would not accept the reason that Allah owned the so-called “Ottoman lands”, not the Ottomans. So, the land should not have been for sale or parceled out to any state not an Arab state.
That sounds right to me. The entire world belongs to Allah and we are responsible for returning it to Him.
Now you’re talking. Let’s go cut off some heads.
It is not a good idea to rid the world of other people. We have learned centuries ago that it is not a good idea to depend on our own leadership, if they won the world, to be completely faithful to Allah and fair to all of the population. Power not only corrupts, it often leads to arrogance and injustice either of the leaders themselves or others challenging them. Just look at the history of the first few leaders, some of them actually knew the Prophet personally. One was his best friend. Yet the period was so bloody with the assassination of leaders that it finally lead to a split between Sunnis and Ashia. And even now, the Sunnis and Ashia are bent on killing each other. And the Salafists? They consider you an infidel if you are not an absolute Puritan! We really do need an international organization to interrupt on occasion and keep things on the right track.
You mean the United Nations? I like them. They give us everything we want; heh-heh, those Europeans are eating out of our hands. Allah wanted us to rule the world, that’s why he invented Liberalism. The Salafists think we’re infidels?
Liberals? Do they still have their heads? Hey, Pop told me we are Salafists! Are you two really infidels? Where’s my knife?
Radi, that is a good question about the Liberals. But about the Salafists, they need to get a life; not ours, theirs! Mani, some of those Europeans are learning that Liberalism does not work and are now giving us a tougher time to take over their countries. Killing Theo Van Gogh, putting a price on Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Oriana Fallaci, and practicing honor killings did not help. One of these days, they may find out what the Palestine business is really about; they may not be pleased.
No, they are too stupid.
I haven’t cut off a head all day; I need some exercise. Are there any Europeans around?
Radi, why don’t you settle down. Get married and raise a family?
Yeah. You are getting a one-track mind. Don’t you have a girl that you like?
Well, yes and no. I like girls but don’t have enough money to get married. So I get frustrated. The only fun I get is cutting off heads. Are you guys going to be busy the next few minutes?
Modi: You bet. But I think I can help you out of your dilemma about girls. I know a place where you can have
all the girls you want and it is no sin to hug them, kiss them, dance with them, or anything you want.
Really? Oh, my. That sounds great. Where do I sign up?
I just happened to know a chap in a popular brigade in town; Modi, let’s walk him over there.
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