May 31, 2007
Shady politics inundate so much of American society these days, especially politically correct politics. I often wonder what is to become of America as it continues to be tolerant of everyone, no matter how atrocious the behavior or how high the terror risk. We over look everything...even obvious activity that threaten to undermine the sovereignty of the US.
Those who wish to do us harm are operating in stealth mode right here in our country. Yet we can't even get serious on immigration. The President and Congress are determined to get an "amnesty" loaded immigration bill passed which would only pander to big business and votes. It does nothing to fully ensure the safety of our great nation. Nothing short of heavily enforcing the border should be considered.
Shouldn't we be like the French (who just recently elected conservative President Nicolas Sarkozy) and get tougher on illegal immigration? Yes it's hard to believe but the country is getting tough, because France has become "exasperated by uncontrolled immigration." Brice Hortefeux, France's Immigration Minister mentioned immigrants will be paid to return to their home countries. This isn't something new that France is doing. They've tried something similar in 2005-2006.
What a clever way to deal with a burgeoning immigration problem.
And could we take a hint from our good buddies in Australia? Government officials in Australia have told Muslims living there that if they want to live under Sharia Law (the most extreme form of Islamic law) then they must leave.
Free countries cannot exist under Islamic Sharia law, so it would be a matter of time before Muslims living in free societies start demanding a change in the way people live in free societies. Australia is nipping that in the bud, quick!
But the US is lax on making a move in that direction. There are too many self-centered politicians at the helm of this country. They are not bold enough! How long will it be before we see the repercussions for our actions?
We are opening the doors to the South of our country, especially for those who want to do "cheap labor." Never mind the integrity of that decision; integrity doesn't enter into the equation as our lawmakers tackle the illegal immigration issue in our country. What would be more humanizing is if our government made a strong statement to Mexico's President and government to start improving the lives of their people. Letting illegals across the border will not benefit them or help them achieve a better quality of life.
For one, we are still rounding up illegals at various work sites, but at the same time, President Bush wants a guest worker program for those entering the country to work and for illegals who are already here. This is an either-or situation. Either you open wide the borders or you completely enforce our laws and shut them or massively control them. You can't have it both ways, illegal is illegal.
Respect for our country
Having respect for every country on this planet means respecting their laws. We have a severely flawed immigration policy in the respect that it is TOO open and inviting, yet the US took a stabbing as Miss USA was booed by audience members at the Miss Universe pageant held in Mexico City. The booing was truly tasteless and Donald Trump, Executive Producer of the Miss Universe pageant said it was in protest of the policies of the US government. Regardless of what the mood was towards the US, it was not the proper time and place for such political demonstration.
As I said before, we already have a very open/liberal immigration system, and STILL, there are people who want to bash America, even with our reputation of our far reaching generosity.
The Miss Universe pageant aired on Memorial Day, a time when our nation stops to remember those who have given their lives for our freedom. The booing incident showed such DISRESPECT for anything or anyone who is American, and it was disgusting.
If you are here in this country and are not proud to be an American or proud of all the good America has done; for all the opportunities she offers, why are you here? You do not have to be here, and every red blooded American would be happy if you left.
Every country has a flaw. Overall, the US has been and remains a great country...offering help to those in need. But America is not a "free-for-all" for people to rush in and take advantage; not abiding by her rules of entry. US citizens respect those who come into our country with respect and who want to assimilate. Anyone who is here to take advantage of the work opportunities and happen to be here illegally, will find a way to skirt the system or abuse it. That is not really living at all and it benefits no one.
The people of this country deserve to have leaders in power who truly care about the welfare of this nation and its future, not playing to certain groups to keep their political careers intact. The survival of this nation requires vigilance from the government in making sure that dangerous individuals do not set foot on our soil. And our lawmakers must not play personal politics when it comes to illegal immigration. They too must be vigilant in realizing how high the stakes are in keeping this country functioning properly. We are sorely lacking in that area.
It seems that only individual states are acting in the best interests of the US regarding illegal immigration. A new group called State Legislators for Legal Immigration, founded by State Representative Daryl Metcalfe (R-PA), has stepped up to stop the "invasion" of our borders and to cut off incentives for illegals to come to America. Lawmakers from various state legislatures across the country have joined the group.
Metcalfe said, "Since Washington, D.C., remains AWOL on fulfilling its Constitutional responsibilities to secure our nation's borders against foreign invaders, it is not only incumbent, but the obligation for state lawmakers to step up and do the job that our federal government refuses to do."..."It is my hope that State Legislators for Legal Immigration will serve as a unifying force to bring all levels of government together to terminate America's illegal alien invasion from every city, community, small town, main street, backyard; across our fruited plains and from sea to shining sea," he said.
Sensible, common sense politics is needed. Coming together to solve a vast problem will set America back on the path to relative stability.
So as Congress sets to make a decision on an immigration bill, I hope they will be mindful of who American citizens are and what they want. Americans who are legal, who have come from other countries, who deserve our attention and praise, are those people who have happily taken the United States Oath of Citizenship, who love this country with all of their hearts, and are willing to assimilate into the American way of life.Common courtesy for our established laws and common sense in implementing them should be required from our leaders. No exceptions.
Related Reading
BBCNEWS: Europe: Paris to pay immigrants to return (to own country)http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6685401.stm
Minister tells Muslims: accept Aussie values or 'clear off' (leave)http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200508/s1445181.htm
State Legislators Call for End to 'Illegal Alien Invasion'http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewNation.asp?Page=/Nation/archive/200705/NAT20070522c.html
Felicia (Fee) Benamon is a political columnist who writes for various conservative sites including RenewAmerica.us, Michnews.com, Daley-Times Post, Renaissance Women ( http://www.rwnetwork.net/ ), Capitolhillcoffeehouse.com, TheConservativeVoice.com, Mensnewsdaily.com, ConservativeCrusader.com, and other news sites like AmericanChronicle.com. She is a columnist and a reporter for the Mid-South Patriot ( www.freewebs.com/midsouth-patriot ) in Memphis, TN. Felicia hails from a military background, and has been politically active since the 2000 elections. She has been a guest speaker on KYAL2K, conservative talk radio (www.k-talk.com), Salt Lake City, UT, America Talks, conservative internet talk radio, with David Zublick (www.americatalks.com), and KFNX News talk radio in Arizona with Clancy Jayne ( www.insidepoliticswithclancyjayne.com ).
© Copyright 2007 by Felicia Benamonhttp://www.renewamerica.us/columns/benamon/070531
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