But the expiration date was last week
According to USA Today, President Bush is offering to back an amendment to use new fees, fines, and collections to pay for increased border enforcement, estimating the total to be around $4.4 billion. Senator Lindsey Graham had proposed that amendment previously. The newspaper quotes Tony Snow assuring us that "The money would always be set aside for border enforcement." To clarify my meaning of border(s), I refer to the border between Mexico and the United States, and between Canada and the United States. I do not refer to the external border around the so-called North American Community,
That offering from the White House is about as credible as President Bush on anything concerning border security; to me his credibility is nil on that subject. It seems to me that the fines and fees, if any are ever charged to the illegal amnesty-seekers, will be paid for out of the illegal Earned Income Tax Credits the Democrats want them to have. And what about the employers who have been hiring illegal aliens? What fines are they going to be assessed? Prison sentences? Scooter Libby was axed for lying to Feds? What have the employers been doing? Haven't they been lying to the IRS and Social Security, and others? And do the illegal aliens who illegally supplanted Americans in their jobs--give those jobs back? Or is the administration going to continue the same lie of "jobs American don't want"? Rest assured, as soon as any bill is signed, any enforcement of anything except amnesty will be withdrawn. The president, the Democrats, liberals in general, and global businesses want those borders open. They have remained open since the last amnesty bill, which was supposed to secure them. This administration for almost seven years has not secured them. Does anyone really and truly believe that any "Immigration Reform Bill" or any other bills for that matter, are going to close the borders? We want to trust the president and we need to trust him, but we cannot with anything concerning Mexico. The slooooow fooot-draggging of the Corps of Engineers in fence building is just one of the visible signs.
The newspaper went on to say that President Bush agreed that "The need for reform is urgent. Our immigration system has been broken for years." Exactly. With almost seven years into the administration it finally has his attention? The need has been urgent since the last time the immigrants demanded amnesty! I might also ask why is the president insisting on bringing into the United States Mexican trucking companies to compete with our own trucking companies? And why would we want a Mexican airline to fly routes within the United States? Isn't it enough that Mexicans and other illegal aliens have been coming in droves to unseat Americans from their jobs (The Jobs Americans don't do--even though the Americans have to be laid off in favor of illegals who work cheaper and do not need benefits). Jobs American won't do--like construction! Yeah, right! Just whom is that man kidding? Look! The primary industry for illegal aliens today is not agriculture, it is construction! And with the builders and contractors substituting low paid workers for these construction jobs, did the price of housing decline? I am afraid that the name of that game is greed!
President Bush thanked builders and contractors for endorsing his vision of comprehensive (pro-amnesty, anti-enforcement) immigration. What builders and contractors would they be? Are they the ones that hire a legal subcontractor who has 10 or more illegals in his crew, each making less than standard wages and no benefits? Are they the ones paying under the table, avoiding payroll taxes, workers comp, and other benefits, letting them sleep in the contractor's garage--oops! I'm sorry, they're only his cousins up here on vacation the last eight months. The contractor cannot check for status: "I am not paid to be a policeman, and it's the Feds' job anyway, and the illegals are only here to feed their families." Is that one of the major reasons why the median wage earner makes less than his father or grandfather did forty years ago? Is this one of the major reasons why the rich is becoming exponentially richer and the poor lose everything--jobs, homes, families, future, and perhaps very soon their country? When a worker today needs medical treatment and has no benefits, and is turned away from a hospital with a room full of illegal aliens awaiting care, what is he to think? What are American workers supposed to think after they are laid off and watch through the fence as dozens of illegal aliens pick up the tools the American workers had to leave, and continue the jobs the Americans lost? It was bad enough when the jobs were trasnfered overseas. Now the businesses do not even bother doing that. They move you out and the foreigner in before your seat gets cold. The woman spokesman on the Amnesty Train, didn't she say her landscaping business relies on illegal aliens for labor? And nobody arrested her?
President Bush said that deporting all illegals is impractical and won't work! That is just another lie! It will not work because the administration doesn't want it and the congress doesn't want it. The liberals don't want it and big business doesn't want it. Now let me say this: There are some, SOME, among the 20-30 million that we may want to stay here for various reasons. But not if they are in jobs Americans WILL DO! The IRS knows who is who, so does Social Security. You can bet that as soon as the illegals are declared eligible for social security payments they will show up at the payment window. Will we say "Book 'em, Dano?" No way, Jose!
President Bush said "All the issues must be addressed." Well, Mr. President, I just mentioned a few issues that permeate this entire country, how about addressing them! The president also said "We need to do this without animosity and without amnesty."
Well, we have seen what "without amnesty" means and we are not buying it. And without animosity? How dare the president who said what he said about us last week, talk about animosity? We, friends, are Americans and we know what is right for America. And what George W. Bush is pushing is definitely not right for America. Animosity?
Almost every person in this country is either an immigrant or from a family of immigrants. Our parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents came to this country to adopt it as their country even before the country adopted them as citizens. They loved this country and fought and died for this country, for their neighbors, never asking if this or that war was legal or sanctioned by some inept international organization. They lived and died defending our way of life, and the rest of us worked and lived along with our neighbors to make this country better. Of all of my relatives and the families of friends from all over, I do not know of a single instance in which one of them came to reconquer any parcel of America and give it to another country.
What we ardently want for this country is for every other country to have its fair share of legal immigrants to come here every year. I said before that we do not care what nationalities, what races, or what colors seek legal refuge in our shores, as long as they, like immigrants of the past, want to be Americans like us, and to adopt as their own our civilization and our culture. We are not a multicultural society and should not be--the catastrophe of Europe should be a lesson for everyone on that subject. But 20-30 million people arriving illegaly from one country all thinking it is their birthright, does nothing good for our culture and civilization; it paralyzes the civilization and causes nothing but trouble of all kinds. Look at our border areas and the signs and placards of the racist anti-American organizations--just read and hear what they think of us! "We belong here, Gringo, you don't."
The president said that "doing nothing is not a solution." That is strange! Wasn't that his solution for almost seven years now?" Wasn't that President Clinton's solution?
Let me pose a very simple question. Since 9/11, we lived with the terrible fear of terrorists walking into this country with dirty bombs and nuclear weapons of one sort or another, weapons that could kill thousands and make some areas uninhabitable for decades. Why wasn't this reason enough for the borders to have been sealed long before now? Why wasn't it important then? It would seem that American citizens are not a priority for some folks. Look! The borders are still not closed and the administration is holding border security hostage for a bill that they want and we don't. Who is calling the shots, Tony Soprano?
To paraphrase another governor who once ran for president: Open borders today, open borders tomorrow, and open borders forever! That doesn't appear to be the question anymore. It seems to be the solution! Forget the immigration reform bill--it's dead! Enforce the 1986 bill! Enforce the 1986 bill!
According to USA Today, President Bush is offering to back an amendment to use new fees, fines, and collections to pay for increased border enforcement, estimating the total to be around $4.4 billion. Senator Lindsey Graham had proposed that amendment previously. The newspaper quotes Tony Snow assuring us that "The money would always be set aside for border enforcement." To clarify my meaning of border(s), I refer to the border between Mexico and the United States, and between Canada and the United States. I do not refer to the external border around the so-called North American Community,
That offering from the White House is about as credible as President Bush on anything concerning border security; to me his credibility is nil on that subject. It seems to me that the fines and fees, if any are ever charged to the illegal amnesty-seekers, will be paid for out of the illegal Earned Income Tax Credits the Democrats want them to have. And what about the employers who have been hiring illegal aliens? What fines are they going to be assessed? Prison sentences? Scooter Libby was axed for lying to Feds? What have the employers been doing? Haven't they been lying to the IRS and Social Security, and others? And do the illegal aliens who illegally supplanted Americans in their jobs--give those jobs back? Or is the administration going to continue the same lie of "jobs American don't want"? Rest assured, as soon as any bill is signed, any enforcement of anything except amnesty will be withdrawn. The president, the Democrats, liberals in general, and global businesses want those borders open. They have remained open since the last amnesty bill, which was supposed to secure them. This administration for almost seven years has not secured them. Does anyone really and truly believe that any "Immigration Reform Bill" or any other bills for that matter, are going to close the borders? We want to trust the president and we need to trust him, but we cannot with anything concerning Mexico. The slooooow fooot-draggging of the Corps of Engineers in fence building is just one of the visible signs.
The newspaper went on to say that President Bush agreed that "The need for reform is urgent. Our immigration system has been broken for years." Exactly. With almost seven years into the administration it finally has his attention? The need has been urgent since the last time the immigrants demanded amnesty! I might also ask why is the president insisting on bringing into the United States Mexican trucking companies to compete with our own trucking companies? And why would we want a Mexican airline to fly routes within the United States? Isn't it enough that Mexicans and other illegal aliens have been coming in droves to unseat Americans from their jobs (The Jobs Americans don't do--even though the Americans have to be laid off in favor of illegals who work cheaper and do not need benefits). Jobs American won't do--like construction! Yeah, right! Just whom is that man kidding? Look! The primary industry for illegal aliens today is not agriculture, it is construction! And with the builders and contractors substituting low paid workers for these construction jobs, did the price of housing decline? I am afraid that the name of that game is greed!
President Bush thanked builders and contractors for endorsing his vision of comprehensive (pro-amnesty, anti-enforcement) immigration. What builders and contractors would they be? Are they the ones that hire a legal subcontractor who has 10 or more illegals in his crew, each making less than standard wages and no benefits? Are they the ones paying under the table, avoiding payroll taxes, workers comp, and other benefits, letting them sleep in the contractor's garage--oops! I'm sorry, they're only his cousins up here on vacation the last eight months. The contractor cannot check for status: "I am not paid to be a policeman, and it's the Feds' job anyway, and the illegals are only here to feed their families." Is that one of the major reasons why the median wage earner makes less than his father or grandfather did forty years ago? Is this one of the major reasons why the rich is becoming exponentially richer and the poor lose everything--jobs, homes, families, future, and perhaps very soon their country? When a worker today needs medical treatment and has no benefits, and is turned away from a hospital with a room full of illegal aliens awaiting care, what is he to think? What are American workers supposed to think after they are laid off and watch through the fence as dozens of illegal aliens pick up the tools the American workers had to leave, and continue the jobs the Americans lost? It was bad enough when the jobs were trasnfered overseas. Now the businesses do not even bother doing that. They move you out and the foreigner in before your seat gets cold. The woman spokesman on the Amnesty Train, didn't she say her landscaping business relies on illegal aliens for labor? And nobody arrested her?
President Bush said that deporting all illegals is impractical and won't work! That is just another lie! It will not work because the administration doesn't want it and the congress doesn't want it. The liberals don't want it and big business doesn't want it. Now let me say this: There are some, SOME, among the 20-30 million that we may want to stay here for various reasons. But not if they are in jobs Americans WILL DO! The IRS knows who is who, so does Social Security. You can bet that as soon as the illegals are declared eligible for social security payments they will show up at the payment window. Will we say "Book 'em, Dano?" No way, Jose!
President Bush said "All the issues must be addressed." Well, Mr. President, I just mentioned a few issues that permeate this entire country, how about addressing them! The president also said "We need to do this without animosity and without amnesty."
Well, we have seen what "without amnesty" means and we are not buying it. And without animosity? How dare the president who said what he said about us last week, talk about animosity? We, friends, are Americans and we know what is right for America. And what George W. Bush is pushing is definitely not right for America. Animosity?
Almost every person in this country is either an immigrant or from a family of immigrants. Our parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents came to this country to adopt it as their country even before the country adopted them as citizens. They loved this country and fought and died for this country, for their neighbors, never asking if this or that war was legal or sanctioned by some inept international organization. They lived and died defending our way of life, and the rest of us worked and lived along with our neighbors to make this country better. Of all of my relatives and the families of friends from all over, I do not know of a single instance in which one of them came to reconquer any parcel of America and give it to another country.
What we ardently want for this country is for every other country to have its fair share of legal immigrants to come here every year. I said before that we do not care what nationalities, what races, or what colors seek legal refuge in our shores, as long as they, like immigrants of the past, want to be Americans like us, and to adopt as their own our civilization and our culture. We are not a multicultural society and should not be--the catastrophe of Europe should be a lesson for everyone on that subject. But 20-30 million people arriving illegaly from one country all thinking it is their birthright, does nothing good for our culture and civilization; it paralyzes the civilization and causes nothing but trouble of all kinds. Look at our border areas and the signs and placards of the racist anti-American organizations--just read and hear what they think of us! "We belong here, Gringo, you don't."
The president said that "doing nothing is not a solution." That is strange! Wasn't that his solution for almost seven years now?" Wasn't that President Clinton's solution?
Let me pose a very simple question. Since 9/11, we lived with the terrible fear of terrorists walking into this country with dirty bombs and nuclear weapons of one sort or another, weapons that could kill thousands and make some areas uninhabitable for decades. Why wasn't this reason enough for the borders to have been sealed long before now? Why wasn't it important then? It would seem that American citizens are not a priority for some folks. Look! The borders are still not closed and the administration is holding border security hostage for a bill that they want and we don't. Who is calling the shots, Tony Soprano?
To paraphrase another governor who once ran for president: Open borders today, open borders tomorrow, and open borders forever! That doesn't appear to be the question anymore. It seems to be the solution! Forget the immigration reform bill--it's dead! Enforce the 1986 bill! Enforce the 1986 bill!
What the hardliners on immigration don't understand is that they are digging their own grave and planning their own funeral, the longer they go on about it. Many, if not most Hispanic families in the U.S. run the gamut in their extended families-- from family members who are U.S. citizens and may be third or fourth generation (or farther back than that-- Hispanics were within the current boundaries of the U.S. before Jamestown was founded), to members who may be happily living in Latin America with no intent to go anyplace else, to members living in the U.S. legally, illegally or not here yet but planning to come-- in the end it's all about la familia. I have a cousin in Los Angeles who is married to a man from Latin America (he is not from Mexico, by the way). He is a legal resident alien, and I haven't asked about the rest of his family because it doesn't matter to me. Her kids are all American citizens and the oldest will be 18 this year (and yes, she is going to register to vote).
And this is where conservatives lose the fight-- once a person perceives that you are going after his or her family, then anything else you tell them is pretty much falling on deaf ears.
Let's be honest on what the problem is and what the answers are:
1. The problem: the 12-20 million here illegally are just the past 20 years accumulated difference between what the job market needed (note: U.S. unemployment remains low, at about 4.5%) and what Congress artificially decided it should be. You'd think that if anyone could understand the concept of a free market and meeting supply and demand it would be conservatives, but apparently not in this case.
2. The solution: The solution is exactly what is put into this year's immigration bill: a market-based solution, by which people who want to work in the U.S. will pay a fee that costs enough so that they won't pay it unless they are serious, and then the supply can catch up to the demand.
But go ahead. Lose another election (ask J.D. Hayworth, Bill Montgomery and Randy Graf how well the hardline approach worked once Hispanics started feeling that it was an attack on their family members). Just remember that the last hurrah of the California GOP was 'prop 187,' an anti-immigrant measure. They won the vote on it but the state swung solidly to the left as a result and the California Republican party is so far gone that by now the only guy they can elect is an actor who sounds like a Democrat when he talks about immigration.
Thank you for the comment. Severe underemployment is not full employment. Whenever the American worker has to watch someone else finish the job the American started because that someone else works cheaper, it is worse than unemployment, it is tyranny of the workplace, immoral and bad faith capitalism. It is the unchecked sort of capitalism that drove Europe into the arms of Communism and came close to doing the same thing here. It took tough unions and tough workers to finally give workers some rights, but the unions too became arrogant and were silenced. And now we are back to hopelessness again. You see it is not strictly a matter of illegal aliens! It is a matter of American workers losing jobs, losing income, losing families, and losing their future because the aliens work cheaper and don't demand benefits. The only reasons they are not completely replaced by robots are robots don't reproduce themselves and robots are not consumers. What the American workers want now is for the President and Congress to show the least credibility by first security the borders and then when things cool down, we can take up the matter of what to do with the aliens here. Right now there is too much arrogance and disdain shown by the White House and DC to the people. They are not asking for cooperation, they are demanding obedience. They are not getting it. hjs
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