Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Is between the people and American Leadership

In the Opinions section of Sunday’s Arizona Republic, Robert Robb said “President Bush made a dreadful mistake in the way he attacked opponents of the Senate immigration compromise last week. He said they were just trying to scare people and (he) belittled their understanding of the bill. Most unforgivably, he said that they ‘don’t want to do what’s right for America.’ ”

John Shadegg said that (President Bush) “presumptuously asserted that anyone who does not support the bill hasn’t read it. For those who may not have read all 347 pages, let me address just three of the provisions I believe raise legitimate concerns.

“First, while it requires that illegal aliens who want a probationary “Z-visa” undergo a background check, stunningly, it provides that if this background check is not completed within 24 hours, the illegal alien is to receive the visa regardless.

“Second, the bill prohibits employers from using the newly created system to check whether or not a job applicant is legally in the country before offering the prospective employee a job. Rather, the employer may verify the potential employee’s status only after the employee has been hired.” (The bill goes on to make it almost impossible to fire an employee for being illegally in the country after he or she was hired. So far, these two provisions smell of Democrats. Already, before the bill is passed they are inserting provisions to beat the system.)

“Third, the bill treats illegals dramatically different than lawful guest workers. Illegal aliens who come forward may remain in this country forever” (while the guest workers must jump through a few hoops). Yep, those stupid provisions have Democrat written all over them.

Charles Krauthammer, a cool and thoughtful head among the unthinking, uncaring media that only want us to shut up and stay out of it, wrote: “Any bill that is 380 pages long is bound to have nooks and crannies and ad hoc arrangements that you often don’t learn about until it’s too late.” Dr. Krauthammer continued, “Beyond stupidity, the bill offers farce. My favorite episode is the back-taxes caper. Senator John McCain has been going around telling everyone that in order to be legalized, illegal immigrants will, among other things, have to pay back taxes.

“Problem is, McCain then discovered that back taxes were not in the bill."

Dr. Krauthammer makes even a more important point about the bill not just stopping at stupidity, but adding mendacity as well. “Such as the front-page story in last Friday’s New York Times claiming that “a large majority of Americans want to change the immigrant laws to allow illegal immigrants to gain legal status.” We have seen for decades that whenever the NYT claim a majority of Americans or most Americans it only means it is the NYT that wants it, that’s all. The New York Times
like other Leftist groups, seem to have no qualms about telling any lie, covering up any truth, or twisting any facts to paint the picture they want painted. Dr. Krauthammer quoted the real Rasmussen poll as showing that “72 percent of Americans thought border enforcement and reducing illegal immigration to be very important. Only 29 percent” (probably mostly reporters and the Democrats) “thought legalization to be very important.”

But I look at very simple issues before I move on. The simplest is: Why hasn’t the borders been closed so far? Answer: The president and congress do not want them closed. (If they did, they'd have already been closed since at least 9/11.)

But if Mexicans and terrorists can easily enter our country illegally, isn’t that enough to close the borders as quickly as we can? Answer: To the people yes, to the president and congress, no. Illegal aliens means billions of employee and social security taxes paid in by people who up to this point can not collect the benefits. Free money to the government? There is no such thing as a free puppy!

We have not heard a single word about the Social Security Totalization Agreement yet—it may not be part of this agreement, but it is part and parcel of the entire farce; it is part of the North American Community Task Force. Once one looks at the task force and adds in the super corridors, and the open borders; lots of things make sense that otherwise may not. But just staying with the immigration problem for now, why did not the 1986 Amnesty end forever the border problems? Former Senator Alan Simpson answered that question last week; it was never enforced! As I said last week and the week before that, the Dems before now, and now the Republicans also, will only enforce that part of the bill they want, and never enforce what they don’t want. Good faith? That is gone from American politics!

Since securing the borders is the most important, the absolute critical part of the agreement, which should be both a Democrat requirement as well as a Republican requirement, let me be absolutely clear: Make them secure the borders first! If they don’t—they never will and they have no intention of doing so no matter what is signed!

Call the bluff of this president and his lackeys! If you do not secure the borders now, before any agreement, you have no intention of doing so afterwards!

This entire package, along with those recommending it, should be thrown out!



BillT said...

I've read the bill and I agree there is more wrong than right in it. The issue is whether or not the wrong can get ironed out of it.

"We have not heard a single word about the Social Security Totalization Agreement yet—it may not be part of this agreement, but it is part and parcel of the entire farce; it is part of the North American Community Task Force."

You should hear the talk swirling around about the Social Security EVS. Bad news.

hjs said...

Thank you for your comment. If I ever thought that DC would ever iron out the bad and go with the good, I would not be so worried. With the 1986 "agreement" only the amnesty had any chance of surviving and Republicans should have known that. There was no real plan to enforce border security. On the totalization agreement, even SSA is upset about that. I believe you can still see a copy on the internet--awful stuff! hjs