Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Misconceptions? NOT

In reply and with much respect to the authors of:

In its entirety

Dear Fellow Republicans,
We would like to state that anyone who wishes to quote from this letter is welcome to do so as long as you quote the whole letter. We are not interested in having "twisted snippets" from this letter.

First, let us say that Senator Jon Kyl has been a good and decent Senator for Arizona. Although we do not see eye to eye with the Senator on the immigration issue, Senator Kyl has been there for Arizona and the Republican Party time and time again. I know many share the concerns of the inflammatory rhetoric that has been targeted at Senator Kyl in recent days. We would ask that the discourse and debate remain civil and that we continue to debate the contents of the bill and not personally attack the man. With that being said, we believe that the record needs to be set straight.

On Saturday, May 19th, 2007, Senator Jon Kyl invited Republican Party leadership to meet with him in his office. In attendance were Chairman Randy Pullen, 1st Vice Chairman John Rutledge, 3rd Vice Chairman Parralee Schneider, Secretary Linda White, Sergeant at Arms Alberto Gutier, Assistant Treasurer Larry Pickard, Senate President Tim Bee, State Representative John McComish, and about six staff assistants.

Senator Kyl delivered a presentation on the status of the Border Security and Immigration Reform Act of 2007. He detailed to the group why he thought this was a good bill and why he was supporting the measure. We, as a group, responded that the overwhelming majority of phone calls, e-mails, faxes, and walk-ins from both Phoenix and Tucson were opposed to this legislation. Chairman Pullen explained to Senator Kyl that the Republican Party could not support the bill in its present form and that the Party would have to take a stand opposing the legislation. Senator Kyl understood the position Chairman Pullen was in.

No officer of the Arizona Republican Party at any point in time said a negative word about Senator Kyl. We understand that Senator Kyl has little choice and has little control of what is included in this bill, including not securing our borders and a blanket amnesty for all those in the U.S. as well as their extended families, which is the brainchild of liberal Ted Kennedy.We oppose and deplore those who have used negative rhetoric and outright lies to attack Chairman Pullen and other members of the Republican Party while masquerading as Republican Party leadership. Their distortion of facts and lies about Chairman Pullen's statements are a testament to immaturity and desperation by those who want nothing more than to see this Republican Party fail.

Chairman Pullen has performed admirable under intense conditions and is doing everything in his power to hold the Republican together under extremely difficult and divisive circumstances. We hope that this letter has been able to clear up some of the misconceptions of the past two weeks and we look forward to a united Republican Party moving forward through 2008.

Sincerely,John Rutledge - 1st Vice Chairman - Arizona Republican Party\ Matt Tolman - 2nd Vice Chairman - Arizona Republican Party Parralee Schneider - 3rd Vice Chairman - Arizona Republican Party Linda White - Secretary - Arizona Republican Party Timothy Lee - Treasurer - Arizona Republican Party Larry Pickard - Asst.Treasurer - Arizona Republican Party

This despicable Picture

Left no room for misconceptions.
Respectfully, and with a heavy heart
Horst Kraus


sato4gop said...
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sato4gop said...

I have never called Senator Kyl any disrespectful name but I must say he is wrong to support this bill.

Can anyone tell me why he "has" to?

I have supported the Senator in the past based on his previous history of voting for conservative values. I cannot support him in the future if he changes those values and supports this bill.

Tony GOPrano said...

I have just seen one of the most eloguent posts on this I have ever seen. I got the permission to post this, this reply says it all:

"It continues to baffle me how it is only divisive when done by those who do not follow the lock step of Randy Pullen otherwise it is necessary.

“… it is a point that bears repeating again and again until the perpetrators of those hypocritical acts are utterly and completely exposed.”

Calls for unity only apply to the “other side”? Is it hypocritical to complain and take action against PC’s who appeared on Janet’s web site but OK for the same guy to carry a sign that says Deport McCain? Is it wrong for someone to support a different candidate for Party Chair but OK for the Maricopa GOP Chair to appear in a nationwide paper with a McCain bashing button?

This is not about anyone being divisive or party unity; keeping such things going with such little supporting rational has become about trying to keep a galvanized front to maintain what appears to be a position of power by a select few. Give it a rest!

I’m sure the usual suspects will respond and attack me, Gordon & Lisa James, Nathan Sproul, and whoever else is not in the kool-aid crowd. The claims of lies, distortions, etc will follow. When you have no facts to support your positions, resorting to personal attacks and calling the other person a liar are among the first rules of dirty play. I have said all I care to say and will not be responding. It is a ridiculous waste of time to keep such destructive and detrimental dialogue alive. " Ann

Well done Ann, that really sums up the problem.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dato4GOP,

I am glad that you never called your and my Senator the Honorable Jon Kyl by any disrespectful name. I take your word for it. Therefore you do not need, and should not feel yourself addressed by my post.

You feel that he, and most likely anyone else, who supports the Senatorial Emigration bill [for lack of a different name], is wrong in supporting this bill, and that because of this you feel you can not support him in the future.

Let me assure you that I know that this is your prerogative and that I am willing to walk with you to the wall to defend your right; that is your right as in R-I-G-H-T.

That is different from me saying I agree with you. As a matter of fact I do not.

Now you ask if anyone can tell you why he is ore has to support the measure. He has explained it already.

Permit me to try to explain it again and let me begin with some simple understandable facts.

There are upwards of 12 million undocumented [illegal] residents prancing about our neighborhoods and you don’t appreciate that. Neither do I and neither does our Senator Jon Kyl. Let me share a little secret with you but please don’t tell anyone else, Senator McCain doesn’t like that either, but he is willing and ready to tell you himself. Furthermore there are millions of other Americans that don’t like it.

The problem we jointly face is how to rectify this situation. The underlying fact to the problem is that it has been permitted to go and grow unchecked for over 40 years.

This is none of our faults but we need to put that factor into the equation simply because of logistical reasons and I will come back to that.

So how do we repair and restore the damage caused by a 40 year crack in the foundation of our population base, or ethnicity, or culture, or society; use any word you wish, it comes out the same: how do we go about getting back to the America that you and I know and love?

I suggest we start with “What is the Damage?” or “What does it take to stop the hemorrhage?” Knowing that we lost, thanks to our often hailed “Base”, the majority in the US House and Senate in the 2006 election, we no longer play first fiddle in the halls of Government in Washington, ya know.

So in order to not have a bill favorable to the Latin and Hispanic segment of our society become solely a Democratic measure, over our dead bodies, and cause to invoke the loyalty of 30 or 40 million future voters into the BLUE Camp we, as Republicans, have to be part of the solution, and not appear to be the “probleme”.

I trust that you understand that deportation of 12 million people is logistically impossible.

There ain’t enough cattle cars nor are there enough air conditioned Greyhound Buses.

I trust you also understand that our inept bureaucratic INS or ICE agency is incapable to enforce so called employers sanctions while checking out the logistics of millions of payroll records. I trust you also understand that because of our founders those who were born here have inalienable rights as US Citizens and it does not matter how much we hue and cry “Anchor Babies” by whatever name, logistically they are US Citizens. To make a change you need to change the constitution. Do you want for me to pray for your Good Luck or tell you that logistics are definitively a hindrance? You may if you wish remember all the various sanctimonious marriage protection initiatives. That is what I mean with Logistics. There are less than half of nut cases around from what is believed.

I also trust you understand that of the 12 million who are here most of them are already part of our US economy albeit they loath to learn our language. I also trust that you can comprehend that merely one generation i.e 20 years at the most will take care of that problem all by itself.

I agree that there is an unsavory element among those 12 million as it relates to drugs and crimes and human exploitation [smuggling].

Our good Senator Jon Kyl estimates that this segment amounts to about 10% and I’ll yield to that number because I know no better, but coping with 1.2 million is a lot easier for our law enforcement agencies than to cope with ten times that many and Lord only knows if this percentage rate is significantly different from the average rate of our society as it exists presently.

I trust you understand that a “FENCE” even if it were a likeness of the Great Wall of China can’t hold back the 12 million that are already here.

If you are absolutely concerned with those who want to pack a 45 caliber iron and play Wyatt Erb, build them a shooting gallery.

If you are concerned about 9-11, let me assure you the 19 Hijackers were not Mexican Moslems and they did not come through the desert and a fence would not have prevented them coming here.

I have the feeling that if those 12 million Hispanics had come as Germans in Milwaukee or Italians in Cicero, or Jews in Skokie or, or Swedes in Minnesota, or Czechs in Kentucky or Irish in Chicago it would be less of a bother to you and many of your friends. So wherein lays the difference? Is it an expression of perception of our own insecurity or the lack of our ability to absorb those willing workers in search of the most aspiring of human instincts namely to better their lot and the lives of their children.

There are probably a few notes in the bill that could be “fine tuned”. Let’s leave that up to those we entrusted to represent us, not the raucous crowd that paraded in front of our Senator’s office to our collective embarrassment.

For a final thought, if the chaos that surrounds our immigration problem does not get solved in a by-partisan way, and if it fails the status QUO will prevail and you will have that what you want least, namely De Facto AMNESTY by default or quasi amnesty for the next foreseeable future. And if because of the likes of all the clowns that pranced in front of my Senator’s office with signs depicting deplorable attitudes are left to remain unchecked, we stand a better than even chance to implode our party and loose control of the last third of the three branches of Government, the office on Pennsylvania Avenue come next election..

There are many ways to protect and preserve the American Way of Life and the true and tried unalienable right to pursue happiness. Pushing fascist righteousness is not one of them.

I apologize for the long post


Horst Kraus

New River, AZ