Welcome our newest Blogger - JONATHAN TALLMAN
Wednesday, June 27, 2007 11:26 PM
By Jonathan Tallman:
"Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press." To many Americans, that phrase represents one of the great freedoms that this nation was founded on: freedom of speech. As long as we have been a country, we have had soldiers, politicians, lawyers, and everyday American people stand up to protect that tremendous freedom that we possess. Regrettably, the Democrats in congress now seek to sensor those who disagree with their point-of-view.
You might think I'm crazy and overreacting, but the facts tell it all.
What I am referring to, is an updated version of the Fairness Doctrine. This doctrine, put out by the FCC in 1949, set out to "afford reasonable opportunity for the discussion of conflicting views of public importance". By 1987, the FCC overturned the act because they believed that it not only was a violation of the First Amendment, but that it actually prevented constructive conversations with the nation's toughest issues. Now, Senators John Kerry, Diane Feinstein, and Dick Durbin are setting out to once again make this law. Why you ask? To make broadcasting more fair and balanced. Wrong! The Democrats have lost the war of the radio shows, and the only way they can shut down the popular conservative radio shows is by putting these unconstitutional strains on them. The Democrats' belief; if you can't win the debate, stop the debate.
The Supreme Court stated in the Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo decision that the Fairness Doctrine "inescapably dampens the vigor and limits the variety of public debate". The shock of it all, this doctrine won't just deal with radio; it will deal with television, radio, internet, and any other form of broadcasting where a license is required. That means that any 24-hour news channel needs to abide by these needs. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity will no longer be able to choose whom and what is discussed on their radio shows. Bill O'Reilly, watch out, you may have just criticized too many Democrats in your time. What Democrats fail to realize is that this law will need to apply to their kind as well. Michael Moore would no longer be able to go on his tireless rants without having the opposition there biting at his ankles. Television channels couldn't show a Democrat spouting off about the Bush Administration without a Bush fanatic at their heels.
I am the first to say that their is extreme bias in today's news. CNN, ABC, and of course, CBS, have all favored the liberal line of thinking. Although it drives me insane that the media doesn't look out for the best interest of peoples' minds by reporting both sides of the story, I cannot bring myself to support such a piece of legislation.
I would love to have fair and balanced news no matter what channel I go to, but I would much rather have the liberal bias spread throughout the television airwaves then take away one bit of freedom from our great Constitution.
Jonathan Tallman is a seventeen year-old entering his senior year at Honesdale High School in Honesdale, Pennsylvania. Jonathan is a conservative teenager who is very compassionate about local, state, and national politics. He first began to follow politics in third grade during the impeachment trials of President Bill Clinton. His first presidential election that he was involved with was Bush/Cheney ‘00. Jonathan was president of his class both his freshman and junior year. His sophomore year, he served as a student council representative. In the summer of 2006, Jonathan attended the National Youth Leadership Conference for ten days in Washington D.C. Locally, Jonathan has served as Wayne County Chairman for Swann for Governor 2006. He also served as a committeeman for Senator Rick Santorum in 2006, and a committeeman for Bush/Cheney ‘04. During the Republican primary of 2007, Jonathan worked on attorney Mark Zimmer’s judicial campaign. From 2005-2006, Jonathan served as Pennsylvania’s Youth Coordinator for the Draft McCain Movement. Jonathan also serves as president of the Healthy Alcohol-Free Teens, a group who works to provide alternative activities for teens other than drinking. He is also the president of the Community Foundation, a group that gives grants to local students for public works projects. Jonathan’s school activities include Mock Trial, 2004 Mock Presidential Debate (Jonathan portrayed President Bush), varsity basketball manager, varsity baseball manager, and freshman football manager. In 2005, Jonathan served as an Honorary Guest Page for former State Representative Jerry Birmelin in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. Jonathan is a member of the National Rifle Association, Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, and the Republican National Committee and is employed at AAA North Penn.
Welcome Aboard Jonathan!!! He is a member in some of the Internet Groups I belong to. He is a great young man who wants to make politics his career. Don't be surprised if he is the Senator from Pennsylvania some day!
This young man is obviously very intelligent and mature for his age! He has very good opinions and will go far in this country. May I add that he's a very handsome lad.(Don't worry I can say that I'm a friend of his ;) )
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