June 13, 2007
To the hardworking American citizens, your country is about to be swept from underneath you. Our sovereignty is unraveling. I say this because of the various agreements to privatize and lease our nation's interstates and highways to foreign companies. And without Congressional approval or approval of the people. This is happening across the country as well. The Trans Texas Corridor is planned to be under the control of Spain's Cintra Concessions de Infraestructuras de Transporte. And locally in Tennessee, a proposed toll road to be installed near Knoxville caught my attention. I wonder what's to become of that highway project. As it is implemented, will it be sold to foreign companies?
Our nation's sovereignty is being erased and most Americans know nothing about it. This reeks of an effort by some politicians to sneak in and implement the Superhighway, which is connected with the North American Union effort.
*Read more about the North American Union effort under Related Reading On top of that, President Bush has quietly given himself more powers to act without congressional approval during emergencies. This bypasses states' rights to handle their own business. He is also reconsidering the UN's controversial Law of the Sea Treaty, which would further undermine US sovereignty.While Americans remain quiet, politicians and the elite are going about their way to implement these changes. Americans need to stop putting so much faith in their leaders and start scrutinizing and watching what is going on, not only in D.C., but in their local communities.
Are our leaders measuring up? Are they doing what they said they would do when they campaigned for office?
President Bush promised while campaigning in 2000 that he would strengthen America's military, but our troops are having trouble getting the armor they need. They are not receiving the after-care they deserve as they come back from the war zone. Our soldiers should be the main focus of our care and concern as they go to ensure we KEEP our sovereignty and freedom. They deserve the best!
Government has become so much bigger (Bush promised a smaller government as well) and certainly not more effective. Politicians have sold out to greed and power... on both sides.
After a historic and devastating attack on our country on 9-11-01, we continue to have problematic borders. Our leaders in Washington want to pander to the rising illegal immigrant population in America (the Hispanic population is the fastest growing among minorities and make up the largest group of minorities in America) because they feel that workers are needed for various jobs in America that American citizens won't do.
President Bush's amnesty bill, or the S. 1348 Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007, is having a hard time passing. If the American people were for this bill, there wouldn't be such opposition as there has been against this bill. Last year, a tougher bill never made it to the President's desk (H.R. 4437). This bill proposed that we get serious and enforce our already existing laws. In reality, Americans want our laws enforced. And H.R. 4437 had strong backing in the House, but the Senate wouldn't hear of it. Our lawmakers in Washington did not listen to the people, and they aren't listening now as they propose to push an "amnesty" bill our way.
By President Bush being so lenient on "guest workers" in this country, he's ignoring our already existing laws in favor of allowing as many "workers" into the US as possible who want to work. Problem is, those entering the US for work are foreigners who choose to come to the US the wrong way, and American citizens have higher priority when it comes to getting work.
I believe securing the borders mean little to certain lawmakers...the possibility of a North American Union looms. Otherwise, something would have been done about our borders by now. Our leaders in Washington, including the President, would have seen the importance of controlling who comes in through our borders after 9-11, and would have seriously tightened the reigns on the borders. Border agents wouldn't be thrown in prison either for doing their jobs.
Americans face tighter security at major airports across America but our borders are not sealed tight. I see something VERY wrong with that.
Conservatives are upset at the President over the fact that rational logic isn't being used in decision making these days. Certain Republicans who are behind this bill are seeing it from a TOTALLY different perspective than their constituents.
Shouldn't we, as American citizens, put those in office who will listen to us? If they won't listen, bombard their offices with your thoughts. We are not to sit back on the sidelines and believe that those we send to Washington will automatically do what their constituents want and do what's best for the American people.
There is hope however. Two lawmakers in Washington are throwing the dangers relating to the bill out there for scrutiny by the public. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) and Peter King (R-NY) broke down the amnesty bill, pinpointing what exactly would happen should it passSuch startling points made by the Representatives in the bill (S. 1348) include granting illegals (under "Z" visa status) the chance to draw from Social Security and other benefits and freebies. They would be given shoddy background checks; any illegal immigrant who applies for the probationary status can wait only 24 hours for the Federal Government to do a background check on them and grant them legitimacy. In some cases, when an American citizen applies for a job, it takes longer than 24 hours to do a background check!
These illegal immigrants can remain on "Z" status for up to 5 years!
This bill will give illegal immigrants (lawmakers conveniently leave out the word "illegal") the same rights that generations of our forefathers fought for as Americans.S. 1348 also opens up the door for terrorists to take advantage of the ability to remain on American soil. If background checks are going to be lax, then what's to stop a terrorist from plotting and carrying out terror attacks on Americans?
*Read more absurd provisions of S. 1348 under Related Reading
I wanted to highlight the similarities between the illegal immigration problems of our country, the "amnesty" bill in the Senate, and the North American Union plans because they all tie in together. They are all being implemented in a stealth manner.Some of our leaders in Washington believe that we are all "one happy village" and that people who are also here illegally deserve all the perks of being American, when they are in fact, citizens of another country. Our sovereignty as a nation takes a backseat to them. Will you as an American citizen, tolerate that? I hope not.
*Please take the time to read the following information, as our country's sovereignty depends on you, the people of America, to act and hold our country together.Related Reading:
Read more about the Bush Administration's NAFTA Super Highway plan:http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=15497
Foreign Companies buy U.S. Roads, Bridges:http://www.corridorwatch.org/ttc_2007/CWA0607150.htm
Leasing Toll Roads:http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/opinion/columnists/bumsted/s_494721.html
Borderless Continent-United States Sovereignty (all you need to know about the North American Union):http://www.theamericanresistance.com/sovereignty/sovereignty.html
North American union plan headed to Congress in fall:http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=55830
Bush grants presidency extraordinary powers:http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=55825
UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: The Risks Outweigh the Benefits:http://www.heritage.org/Research/InternationalOrganizations/wm1459.cfm
More startling information about the S. 1348 "amnesty" bill:http://www.afa.net/smith_king.asp
Text of S. 1348:http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=s110-1348
Felicia (Fee) Benamon is a political columnist who writes for various conservative sites including RenewAmerica.us, Michnews.com, Daley-Times Post, Renaissance Women ( http://www.rwnetwork.net/ ), Capitolhillcoffeehouse.com, TheConservativeVoice.com, Mensnewsdaily.com, ConservativeCrusader.com, and other news sites like AmericanChronicle.com. She is a columnist and a reporter for the Mid-South Patriot ( www.freewebs.com/midsouth-patriot ) in Memphis, TN. Felicia hails from a military background, and has been politically active since the 2000 elections. She has been a guest speaker on KYAL2K, conservative talk radio (http://www.k-talk.com/), Salt Lake City, UT, America Talks, conservative internet talk radio, with David Zublick (http://www.americatalks.com/), and KFNX News talk radio in Arizona with Clancy Jayne ( http://www.insidepoliticswithclancyjayne.com/ ).
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