Republican Congressman Mike Pence said on Monday that the American people in 2006 heard the President's views on immigration reform: "There must be a rational middle ground between granting an automatic path to citizenship for every illegal immigrant, and a program of mass deportation." Unfortunately, what we heard and saw on C-Span last week was not it. It looked more like irrational pandering to LaRaza and other groups whose attitudes seem to be that it is their country, not ours. That type of attitude does not a viable candidate for American citizenship make.
Mike Pence agreed that the ultimately defeated bill was not the middle ground. The bill was described by Thomas Sowell on Tuesday as "Bipartisan Betrayal." Sowell continued that "It should be too obvious for words that decisions about who is to come into the United States and live among Americans should be made in the United States by Americans." However, he added, "In reality, however, for years that decision has been made in Mexico by Mexicans and by others who chose to cross the border from Mexico into the United States with impunity, knowing that even if they were caught, they would at worst be turned back--and could try again."
Pat Buchanan on Tuesday described the bill as "Amnesty for 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens, and for the businesses that have hired them--a bill backed by LaRaza and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, The Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post." But Buchanan also warned "But opponents of this bill, which would reward mass criminality with mass amnesty and eventual U.S. citizenship, ought not to rest. For President Bush is coming back to resuscitate the monster, and this bill has more support in the Senate than the 45 votes it got Thursday. Some Republicans and Democrats who voted not to shut off debate are privately committed to amnesty, if they can be given political cover and face-saving amendments to take home."
What Pat is not describing is government of, by, and for the people.
I have been saying continually that the borders must be secure first, before anything else is planned. It is obvious to me that since they have not be secured yet--nor have any really decent attempts been made, and the administration is holding them open pending securing from our senators and congressmen another approved amnesty bill, that there is no intention of securing the internal borders now or forever.
Thomas Sowell's take on that is "The net result has been empty promises about controlling the border, paired with various schemes to legalize the illegal immigrants, and washed down with fraudulent statements that insult our intelligence." He goes on to say, "There is no logical reason why these two issues must be dealt with together, though there are political reasons why elected officials want to do so. Passing border laws described as "tough" gives Congress political cover when they legalize the illegals."
And the underlying reason for keeping the borders open and free citizenship offered to illegals when obviously it is betrayal of American workers' interests? We have said it before, and perhaps we should say it in a different way. It is the same general reason why American companies moved out of the United States into economically depressed countries. Pat Buchanan writes, "What is the hidden agenda of the global companies, which evolved out of what were once great American companies? They want a limitless supply of low-wage immigrant labor and an end to penalties for hiring illegals. They want the freedom to shut factories here and move them to nations where wages are low, benefits nonexistent, and regulations lax. They want to be able to move products back to the United States free of charge. They want to be rid of their American workers, but keep the American consumers.
"They want to be able to go to out to Asia and hire bright kids and bring them to the United States to replace middle-age U.S. workers who cost too much. They want to be able to outsource their white-collar jobs to India at a fraction of the wages they pay Americans."
In speeches recently, I mentioned the Tennessee Ernie line: "I owe my soul to the company store." Our greedy corporations are changing that. We won't be working for that company, unless we agree to take lower than life-sustaining wages. But then we could not afford to buy nor not buy at the company store. A person is only as free as his range of options. If the bill passes as the President wants, our range of options will begin to dwindle considerably.
But the bill has not passed yet! As Pat says, "The nation has begun to awaken to the reality that the vision of the global corporation and the transnational elite cannot be realized without the death of the American republic. And so they are in a fight that is long overdue."
I for one do not want to envision the Americans under the boot-heel of the American corporations. There has to be a better way of government--and that way has been shown us by our founding fathers in our great Constitution. The people, all of them, must speak out against this sham "immigration reform" and say NO to anything that is against our interests. The first order of business is to SECURE THE BORDERS NOW, or no deal ever! Any further negotiations will depend upon how quickly the borders are secured--and I mean the North American internal borders, not just the peripheral borders of North America. And let's go back to being a republic again, a republic with jobs for American workers, and an immigration paradise for new friends from all over the world who want to be part of us.
For the full text of the referenced material, click on each of the names below:
Mike Pence Thomas Sowell Pat Buchanan
Mike Pence agreed that the ultimately defeated bill was not the middle ground. The bill was described by Thomas Sowell on Tuesday as "Bipartisan Betrayal." Sowell continued that "It should be too obvious for words that decisions about who is to come into the United States and live among Americans should be made in the United States by Americans." However, he added, "In reality, however, for years that decision has been made in Mexico by Mexicans and by others who chose to cross the border from Mexico into the United States with impunity, knowing that even if they were caught, they would at worst be turned back--and could try again."
Pat Buchanan on Tuesday described the bill as "Amnesty for 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens, and for the businesses that have hired them--a bill backed by LaRaza and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, The Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post." But Buchanan also warned "But opponents of this bill, which would reward mass criminality with mass amnesty and eventual U.S. citizenship, ought not to rest. For President Bush is coming back to resuscitate the monster, and this bill has more support in the Senate than the 45 votes it got Thursday. Some Republicans and Democrats who voted not to shut off debate are privately committed to amnesty, if they can be given political cover and face-saving amendments to take home."
What Pat is not describing is government of, by, and for the people.
I have been saying continually that the borders must be secure first, before anything else is planned. It is obvious to me that since they have not be secured yet--nor have any really decent attempts been made, and the administration is holding them open pending securing from our senators and congressmen another approved amnesty bill, that there is no intention of securing the internal borders now or forever.
Thomas Sowell's take on that is "The net result has been empty promises about controlling the border, paired with various schemes to legalize the illegal immigrants, and washed down with fraudulent statements that insult our intelligence." He goes on to say, "There is no logical reason why these two issues must be dealt with together, though there are political reasons why elected officials want to do so. Passing border laws described as "tough" gives Congress political cover when they legalize the illegals."
And the underlying reason for keeping the borders open and free citizenship offered to illegals when obviously it is betrayal of American workers' interests? We have said it before, and perhaps we should say it in a different way. It is the same general reason why American companies moved out of the United States into economically depressed countries. Pat Buchanan writes, "What is the hidden agenda of the global companies, which evolved out of what were once great American companies? They want a limitless supply of low-wage immigrant labor and an end to penalties for hiring illegals. They want the freedom to shut factories here and move them to nations where wages are low, benefits nonexistent, and regulations lax. They want to be able to move products back to the United States free of charge. They want to be rid of their American workers, but keep the American consumers.
"They want to be able to go to out to Asia and hire bright kids and bring them to the United States to replace middle-age U.S. workers who cost too much. They want to be able to outsource their white-collar jobs to India at a fraction of the wages they pay Americans."
In speeches recently, I mentioned the Tennessee Ernie line: "I owe my soul to the company store." Our greedy corporations are changing that. We won't be working for that company, unless we agree to take lower than life-sustaining wages. But then we could not afford to buy nor not buy at the company store. A person is only as free as his range of options. If the bill passes as the President wants, our range of options will begin to dwindle considerably.
But the bill has not passed yet! As Pat says, "The nation has begun to awaken to the reality that the vision of the global corporation and the transnational elite cannot be realized without the death of the American republic. And so they are in a fight that is long overdue."
I for one do not want to envision the Americans under the boot-heel of the American corporations. There has to be a better way of government--and that way has been shown us by our founding fathers in our great Constitution. The people, all of them, must speak out against this sham "immigration reform" and say NO to anything that is against our interests. The first order of business is to SECURE THE BORDERS NOW, or no deal ever! Any further negotiations will depend upon how quickly the borders are secured--and I mean the North American internal borders, not just the peripheral borders of North America. And let's go back to being a republic again, a republic with jobs for American workers, and an immigration paradise for new friends from all over the world who want to be part of us.
For the full text of the referenced material, click on each of the names below:
Mike Pence Thomas Sowell Pat Buchanan
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