The update of our teaching Hospital in down town Phoenix is a vital health care public policy action for the future of the State. This hospital is an internal part of the downtown development for a safer and improved quality of life. In Phoenix what happens is a dog fight rather than work and collaborates to create a world class facility. This facility would fill a void in both Health care and training of new health care professionals so seriously needed.
The Speaker of the House makes the fights even worse by issuing a subpoena for ALL the records of the development of this hospital. This is of course, nothing but a cover up of our Arizona crisis of NO Leadership. The Weiers smoke screen information that was already been volunteered by the medical school and the Arizona Board of Regents.
Jim Weiers knew first hand that what was requested by the Joint Legislative Budget Committee was being compiled with and following a meeting with committee members and the President of Arizona University the requested materials where being provided. As reported in The Tucson Citizen, all the information is available on the TMC Web Site But again as reported in the Citizen “Clicking on a Web site won't fulfill a Weiers love for grandstanding.” Weiers subpoena is no more that his attempt to put his foot print on one of Arizona’s most important investments for its future.
The Banner group, The Maricopa County Hospital District and The University of Arizona have not worked collectively on what is a serious regional-state issue. Instead of solving a major problem each has put a stake in the ground to protect its self interest. The use of Tax Payer funds that where authorized by Maricopa County Tax payers to resolve the crisis of an out dated hospital.
The combining of efforts is essential for the development of this seriously needed Modern Teaching Hospital in Down Town Phoenix. Phoenix has committed to this ASU-UofA Medical College facility again with major Tax Payer funds. What leadership should be doing is rather than filing a Subpoena should arrange for these parties come to the table and combine their efforts.
Interesting contribution to this scenario is The Dean Tax that U of A has been able to fund their teaching efforts without Legislative control. Adding back the DISH funds that where sweep in short revenue years. As was done with the replacement of HURF Funds, DISH Funds should be put back into the revenue stream to support the Hospital teaching needs of Arizona. The shell game of funds again is done in the dark by our legislative leadership. This also should make tax payers as the question "What is legislative leadership hiding from the public" with their moves of funds.
Of the 24 hospitals in Maricopa County, The Maricopa County Health System is the number one health care provider by almost 30,000 patients. The next hospital is one of the Banner facilities, which may have more to do with trying to carve out the gravy in health care in down town Phoenix, as Banner wants to do with their back room deal with UofA. The teaching hospital will provide the kind of service that is very seriously in need in Phoenix and Arizona. The replacement or re-model of the current Maricopa County Hospital and keeping the 190 teaching doctors at the present hospital will help to support the growth of students in the program is achievable. This combined group will be able to continue the high quality of care being provided in this teaching hospital.
What needs to happen is a summit for all these health care providers. This must be arranged and required to bring an organization and action plan that serves the needs of this upside down situation.
The combining of the new hospitals in downtown Phoenix provides, the long rang positive cash flow for this new teaching hospital, provides Cancer treatment center. The finest burn unit in the western United States and the combined facility could be the finest in the nation.
A possible outcome is for the U of A work with The Maricopa County Health District than contract with Banner to be the manager of the new hospital. This would be a strong method to provide a true Public-Private partnership!
What this has turned out to be it is about Power and Control nothing to do with Good Public Policy.
Legislative Leadership must earn the title and provide true leadership in difficult problem--not try to buy it. The fact that Phoenix is the only large city in the United States without a Central City Medical school is again proof that Weiers has not a clue what makes up a strong and vibrant City and State.
This kind of lack of leadership must be corrected. This so called leader, who spent $200,000 of Lobbyist special interest money to beat his former seat mate, that included $100,000 money from The Republican party. Jim Weiers seamed to only be interested in his: “POWER” NOT GOOD POLICY.
Opportunity for “press” is all Jim Weiers seems to be capable of achieving. Just ask The Arizona Veterans who have lost their former Director Pat Chorpenning from the agency because of the Smoke screen Jim Weiers and Jack Harper put up to again provide cover for ZERO Leadership .
Remember the days when our elected leaders made the hard decisions no manner what the political cost was. Good direction of public policy is not done with one finger in the air to see where the wind is blowing.
Clancy Jayne
Phoenix resident,Former state legislator,Small business owner.
1 comment:
How many times has this guy lost at the ballot box? So he's mad with Weiers for not supporting him? Big deal, neither did the voters of his own district. Ol' Clancy never did see a spending bill he didn't like, or a Speaker he didn't want to roll.
That's why he was a one-termer!
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