Thursday, May 31, 2007


The president does not think we know what is right for America. Perhaps not; we worked very hard for his re-election; it that a criterion? He seems to believe that it is a brave thing to surrender to the Illegal Aliens and give them everything they want. If that is bravery, what on this green earth is cowardice?

Unlike the arrogant Demolition Party, I don’t presume to speak for all Americans or even most Americans. Nonetheless, I agree with most of the Americans I see and hear every day. Sometimes you have to be in the trenches to see the rats and the snakes, the spiders and the centipedes. Maybe I have that wrong; perhaps you find them in some of our hallowed halls also.

The immigration problem is not as difficult a proposition as some make it out to be. If you try to solve it all at once with one big, amnesty-driven COMPREHENSIVE package, the president knows, Congress knows, and we know it will not be worth the paper that it is written on; it will be a joke, but the joke will be on the citizens of the United States, and it won’t be funny! We know what COMPREHENSIVE means (amnesty), and it is not what that word is supposed to mean. It means you are going to say one thing, but write something completely different into the law (amnesty). We have been on that road before.

If the administrative does not seal the borders now, before anything else is attempted, how could it be anything but extortion? They are holding open borders and incoming terrorists over our heads to get us to okay this piece of garbage that means our sovereignty is at an end and our workers aren’t worth anything, and that illegal aliens are of more value to the administration and the congress than the American people. That is not what the oaths to protect and defend the Constitution means.

The compact with the people is broken. There is no more government of, by, or for the people. A very few people believe they are the elites and have a better use than we do for this country of ours. Every day that our borders remain unsealed is further testimony to the disdain our “elites” have for us. Doesn’t anyone in the administration, congress, or media have any concerns at all that terrorists can be sauntering in with all kinds of nasty surprises for us? If it can be proven that a group of terrorists came in through the southern border, then set some bombs that killed Americans, who is responsible? The people who made it easy for them to enter our country are the ones responsible! The people who will not close the borders for our safety are responsible. That also goes for robbery, rape, and murder! If you facilitate a crime, it's a crime by itself. Suppose our local police force was aware that local robbers and burglars were having a field day with the local residents of a community and that they were not going to do anything about the criminals until the community agreed to sign an agreement giving the bad guys homes and jobs in our communities? (And now you other dummies, it is a hypothetical situation and it is not racist! But then you call everything you dislike racism anyway). If that situation occurred, we would be on the phone to the State Police, the FBI, Homeland Security, and whoever else would listen. Even the local newspaper might carry the story. Everyone with a brain knows that situation is not right—it is extortion. It is extortion as well as malfeasance when you purposely refuse to do your duty unless you are first given whatever it is you want. Isn’t that what is happening on our borders? Have we not begged and demanded the borders be closed? Has the administration made any serious attempts to close them? Does the administration want a signed agreement before closing the borders? Prosecution rests. And you know what? Not doing your part after the agreement is signed is betrayal pure and simple! This whole affair is nothing but a con and some good people among our representatives don’t seem to know it.

Of course everything can be put right, but not the way congress is going about it. As long as they say “Comprehensive” they have no plan except to undermine us. So we do not want to hear that term used in this connection again! If they really want to do what is best for America and Americans, CLOSE THE BORDERS NOW! We know and they know that once the borders are closed there is ample time to discuss what comes next.

We know that there are many people among the illegal aliens that really should stay here because we want them to stay. Just like us, there are wonderful people among the Mexicans and families that can contribute to our way of life. But not the 12 million the media says and definitely not the almost 21 million actually here. That is too much to ask of us and it will do nothing for either culture. And there are quite a lot that must be sent back because we don’t want them and they are not good for our society. We don’t need any of those that look at us with the same disdain the administration looks at us, and with the idea that they came to reconquer us. We do not need to welcome more problems. We certainly do not want to settle everyone in one area. There should be no neighborhoods in the United States where people are at risk because of their nationality or religion. We have to look at both political correctness and multiculturalism for what they are: Leftist nonsense that has never worked and never will. Both are dangerous to any society that embraces them.

Just the social and cultural part of this illegal alien matter is a problem, isn’t it? And you are going to solve it with a stroke of a pen? After a few deliberations over the course of a few weeks? And we have already noted that dummy #1 wanted it done in a week. If you believe that Leftist nonsense you are worse than I thought. We know there are some very good senators and representatives in our congress. It is time now that they show their greatness by standing up and declaring to the world they are not going to be bullied into doing the wrong thing that will hurt American citizens, and then they should be working, talking, conferring, shouting, table-pounding, whatever they have to do to get the attention of the rest of congress that playtime is over! It is time to get real and do the right thing for the American people! The American people have already had their share of blood, sweat, and tears. They have sweated blood under the democrat tax burden for decades, they have sweated in unemployment lines because of the influx of people that took their jobs, “jobs Americans won’t do” (because the employers were greedy), and they cried at the loss of homes and the breakup of families because of job loss and no way to get another job because the employers want cheaper labor—and the government didn’t care. The government didn’t care!

Many of us spent time defending this country in many different parts of the world. We shared our own blood, sweat, and tears. We should not have to return to a different country than we left behind. We should not have to compete with illegal aliens for jobs that American won’t do, for mortgages, for loans, or for anything else. And we certainly don’t want to hear “Dial 1 for English.” Many of us already speak Spanish as a courtesy or convenience, or merely as a friendly gesture because we have Mexican friends and neighbors. But when banks and employers tell us “no Spanish, no job” that is when the fan is hit and the problem has to be cleaned up once and for all.

I will say it again: If the border is not closed now, you are serving notice that you have no intention of closing it no matter what agreement is signed. You intend only to do what you want with the amnesty part of it (You just try to sell us the idiot tale that it is not amnesty!) but you will not enforce the close-the-border part of it! As I said, every day the border is open is continuing evidence of your intention not to do the right thing.

And you wonder why the vitriolic emails and letters and phone calls that people are sending to the people they put into office? Look, the people want what is right for them, the people of the United States, the OF, BY, and FOR of our government. We want what is right, not another pact with SATAN!


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