Shadegg Warns Iran Closer To Producing A Nuclear Weapon Program Must Be Terminated "As Soon As Humanly Possible"
May 25th, 2007
Congressman John Shadegg issued the following statement regarding a recent Washington Post report that the International Atomic Energy Agency has discovered Iran is accelerating its uranium enrichment capability and also refuses to provide nuclear verification to the agency:
"Americans must understand that there is disturbing new evidence from the International Atomic Energy Agency that Iran is moving faster than we had previously thought toward having the capability to produce a nuclear weapon. Iranian leaders have dramatically accelerated their uranium enrichment program over the last sixty days and failed to provide the IAEA with the verification information they require to certify the country is nuclear-free."
If nuclear weapons become a part of Iran's national armament it will gravely imperil United States national security, further destabilize the Middle East and leave Israeli leaders with no option other than a military one. Congress and the Bush administration must do everything possible to prevent that nightmare scenario from becoming a reality.
"There is no doubt that Iran is a major player in the global threat posed by the radical Islamic movement. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and other senior Iranian officials have called for the destruction of Israel, deny the Holocaust occurred and consistently demonstrate a fanatical hatred toward the West that can't be ignored. Iran will one day use its nuclear program to attempt to detonate a weapon in the United States. To believe otherwise is delusional. Their program must be terminated as soon as humanly possible."
Congressman Shadegg is a cosponsor of the Iran Counter-Proliferation Act of 2007 (H.R. 1400), which closes loopholes in existing sanctions law, strengthens U.S. tools to cut off funds to Iran's nuclear program and prohibits U.S. nuclear cooperation with those aiding Iran's atomic efforts.
Following is the link to the Washington Post story cited by Congressman Shadegg: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/05/23/AR2007052300315.html
Didn't you listen yesterday? John Edwards says there's no war on terror. Now go get a haircut and stay out of troublemaking with the religion of peace and its proxy nations.
That was hilarious Bill! Edwards is too busy diving for sunken treasure to realize that Iran is the problem. Maybe Edwards has invested in the Iranian nuclear program?
Nah, but he's set them up with a sub-prime loan, lol
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