Felicia (Fee) BenamonMay 5, 2007
Could we get any more idiotic than this? The designation of July 4th, our Independence Day as "Energy Independence Day"! Have I missed something? Has the Global Warming fanaticism hit SO hard that now we direct attention away from one of our most patriotic days celebrated in our nation to declare our allegiance to... "Mother Earth"?"Energy Independence Day" is the term Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) coined as she intends to push through the Democrats' Global Warming agenda around or on the 4th of July! It's gone so far that there is now a new House committee known as the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA), the chair of the committee is so serious about climate change that he saw it as a matter of national security.Rep. Nancy Pelosi stated that Global Warming is "one of humanity's greatest challenges."Read more: http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewCulture.asp?Page=/Culture/archive/200704/CUL20070426a.html
I guess combating the huge problem of International terrorism has fallen off the map with some people as being among the most important issues facing our country.It should be the case that politicians are willing to consult a variety of scientists with different perspectives on the issue of Global Warming before releasing absurd statements like those above, and before pushing through unnecessary legislation.As one can see from the comments from our politicians, the job of the Global Warming crowd is to alarm the populace, not to inform them of in depth information about changes that are occurring to our Earth.Until there is an overwhelming consensus in the scientific community suggesting that our Earth is in DIRE need for a reverse in the course we are going currently, I do not believe such "committees" are worth the time and energy of Congress.
The House could very well focus their energy on sending the President an effective war funding bill for our troops instead of going gaga over how we must save the Earth.Leave the 4th of July alone, as a day we pause to celebrate our nation's Independence and to appreciate all that America is. It is a patriotic day. It's not a day to "go green."More Lunacy!As the news flows in, I wonder... could there be anything more insane than using July 4th to promote environmental issues? Well, yes, I've found it.An absurd "Hate Crimes" bill or The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act passed the House on Thursday. H.R. 1592 ( http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c110:H.R.1592 ) adds more teeth to law enforcement to go after so-called "hate crimes." Many feel that it also includes speech against the subject of homosexuality.Christian leaders like Bishop Harry Jackson said the bill:"...threatens religious leaders' right to preach against homosexuality by including sexual orientation and gender identity as characteristics that can be subjected to hate."As a black man of the Christian faith, he said "the inclusion of sexuality is insulting to blacks, because original hate crimes legislation aimed at protecting people who were attacked because of their race, while new legislation would include a characteristic he believes is a chosen behavior."President Bush does not see the need to sign the bill as he has said that states across the country already have laws against "hate crimes."Read more: http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewPolitics.asp?Page=/Politics/archive/200705/POL20070503e.html
Here's my thought on "hate crimes"... If you attack ANYONE, (I'm talking physically) regardless of race, religion, etc., it is ALREADY designated as a crime. There's no need to attach the "hate" wording to it. Someone who attacks someone maliciously without provocation is doing so out of hatred for that person, that's a crime. Surely everyone has heard of assault. Therefore the word "hate crime" just makes no sense. A crime is a crime.Homosexuals should not be afforded protection status from those who disagree with how they live their life. Everyone should be looked upon as equal, having equal protection under the law. Gays are not to be put in a special category for protection.Threatening ANYONE regardless of sexual preference shouldn't be tolerated. As a Christian, I am to love those who sin, and show them the way to God...to let those who practice the homosexual lifestyle know that it is a sin in the sight of God and I disagree with the lifestyle homosexuals lead. And it's not wrong to have an opinion and to share with someone what the Bible says about homosexuality. Especially since there are those who are pushing the lifestyle in society as if it were normal."Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." — Leviticus 18:22 (NIV)
Homosexuality is a perversion in the sight of God. He created man and woman. Why would God introduce Eve to Adam if He didn't intend for the two to bond and come together as man and wife? The family structure from the beginning of time consisted of man and wife.President Bush has threatened to veto H.R. 1592, but it should never see the President's desk. Christians and freedom loving people need to make their voices heard... stand up and demand your leaders vote against it in the Senate!:
Senate: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
House of Representatives: http://www.house.gov/writerep/welcome.shtml
President Bush: mailto:comments@whitehouse.gov
Banning the words "mom" and "dad"?!The homosexual indoctrination continues... this time from the California State Assembly!! They plan to "ban references to 'mom' and 'dad' in public schools" in California. This helps the homosexual community feel right at home, preventing the use of "mom" and "dad" would "reflect adversely" on those who practice homosexuality.Click here to see the story and more outrageous "proposals" regarding homosexual indoctrination:http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=55413
This is just an example of more pressure coming from the homosexual groups/lobbyists like the Gay-Straight Alliance Network to force their agenda in California schools...it's disgusting, and it's happening in states other than California!We wonder why our children are not doing well in school. Sometimes it is the schools that are failing our children! They are being bombarded by filth from groups willing to push their agenda on children as young as kindergartners when they should be taught the basics that has been in school curricula for years. The 3 r's...reading, 'riting, and 'rithmetic has never failed.Do you want to see more of this America? Just continue to remain silent and watch it get worse.
Every American citizen has a job to do, and that's to uphold our freedoms to disagree.Wars may rage in other countries around the world, but I don't know of any other country that's under assault like the United States is currently by radicals who want to seize control of how you live your life through the courts and enacting needless legislation.Let's just hope that Christians aren't going to wake up one day and realize that speaking their mind on certain issues will cost them a pretty penny, or worse.What has happened to America? It's truly time to be proactive.Don't ever forget about the creed we live by as mentioned in the Declaration of Independence: "...that among these are life, liberty (freedom), and the pursuit of happiness." Not "the pursuit of agendas/causes and indoctrination."
Felicia (Fee) Benamon is a political columnist who writes for various conservative sites including RenewAmerica.us, Michnews.com, Daley-Times Post, Renaissance Women ( http://www.rwnetwork.net/ ), Capitolhillcoffeehouse.com, TheConservativeVoice.com, Mensnewsdaily.com, ConservativeCrusader.com, and other news sites like AmericanChronicle.com.
She is a columnist and a reporter for the Mid-South Patriot ( www.freewebs.com/midsouth-patriot ) in Memphis, TN. Felicia hails from a military background, and has been politically active since the 2000 elections.
She has been a guest speaker on KYAL2K, conservative talk radio (http://www.k-talk.com/), Salt Lake City, UT, America Talks, conservative internet talk radio, with David Zublick (http://www.americatalks.com/), and KFNX News talk radio in Arizona with Clancy Jayne ( http://www.insidepoliticswithclancyjayne.com/ ).
You may email Felicia: .© Copyright 2007 by Felicia Benamonhttp://www.blogger.com/
Welcome to the Politico Mafioso Team Fee! I have known Fee for a long time from some Internet groups we both belong to. She is an excellent writer and I am glad she is part of the team. Thanks Fee!
To find out, Yahoo "The Earliest 'Hate' Criminals" while it is still legal in America to read it!
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