Noble Qur’an 8:60
"And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged."
Noble Qur’an 9:46
"And if they had intended to go forth, they would have prepared for it [some] preparation. But Allah disliked their being sent, so He kept them back, and they were told, "Remain [behind] with those who remain."
In his most recent book, The Call to Global Islamic Resistance, Mustafa bin Abd al Qadir Nasar, writing and known as Abu Mus’ab al Suri, validates his ideas of System, not Organization, with the above ayats from the Noble Qur’an. The al Qaeda jihad theorist recognized the disjunctive nature of Islamic communities throughout the world, especially in the United States, and developed a working philosophy that exploited this otherwise debilitating weakness.
Because of the growing competence of the West’s intelligence agencies in discovering and foiling plans and operations, he suggested that the idea of top-down organization was now obsolete and must be replaced with a new army of isolated and disconnected teams, operating wherever it is possible to operate. Security, he notes, is more important than weapons. It does not matter how powerful and effective weapons are if the target knows who you are and what you are about. The new weapon is an intrinsic knowledge of the system, the basic ideals of jihad, and a commitment to Allah. The religious commitment is of utmost importance because without it there is no common bond that creates the cohesion necessary for success. General guidance can be disseminated by various means, including the internet; however, very rarely should direct assignments be directed toward any units.
In other words, any person in any neighborhood can put together a team of like-minded individuals that he or she knows and trusts to do whatever they can do to use their knowledge of their area to damage Western economic and military interests, lower trust of the governments’ ability to protect their citizens, and strike fear into the hearts of the population. If one carries this system of unilateral actions on the part of many such unaligned team to various states within the United States, with one half of our nation screaming for less intelligence monitoring of communications and even more individual freedoms, despite the lessons of 9/11, and the obvious disconnect of a majority of Congress to the terribly obvious danger that loudly and constantly threatens us, we have an egregious problem. When you add this to the philosophy of our law enforcement agencies that prioritize reacting to specific crimes instead of continuous investigation, infiltration, and stopping terrorism—do we have enough resources for this endeavor?—how will we manage to guarantee our safety?
We must always keep in mind that the Islamists who believe in the fundamental teachings of Islam, believe that no matter how well they have kept the faith, living an exemplary life, and having done great works, there is still no absolute guarantee that they are destined for Paradise. There is always a hope that they will, but no guarantee because of their belief in fatalism; something over which they have no control, may enter the picture. Thus, only martyrdom, being killed while fighting in the way of Allah, may be what they consider the closest guarantee of seeing Paradise. Not only is there an element of adventure and power in the grasp of the newly ordained independent terrorists, but also that greater probability of immediate Paradise if they are martyred during their adventure.
The questions that Americans can rightly ask, and should ask now could be, are our present institutions up to the task of fighting this new style of jihad? In the coming months leading up to the nomination by two parties for President of the United States, our new leader in this perilous world, just who can we absolutely trust to put us ahead of politics, and put us ahead of re-election chances?
For more information about al Suri’s writings, refer to:
(Brynhar Lia. “Al Suri’s Doctrines for Decentralized Jihadi Training – Parts 1 and 2)
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