Aren't you sick of hearing the latest conspiracy theory of that Communist, Left Wing Wacko Pig Rosie O'Donnell? He/she/IT is now blaming the British for the new Iranian Hostage Crisis. Why does anyone listen to this slob? It's time to BOYCOTT the ABC network until they fire her ass. The only way they will get rid of he/she/IT is if the ratings tumble. So far, according to Bill O'Reilly of Fox News, O' Donuts' show, "The View", the ratings have dropped by 50% since January. This is what Rosie O' Donuts said on its web site:
"False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. The British did it on purpose. They went into Iranian waters as the U.S. military build up on the Iranian border. We will be in Iran before summer as planned".
Maybe O' Donuts will take another cruise and fall off the boat?
Sponsors of "Rosie" O'Donnell's Television Program
Falling panda ^ | April 4, 2007 | Oneolcop
Here is a list of the commercial sponsors of The View (Rosie O'Donnell's blabfest. Perhaps some correspondence as to the wisdom of sponsoring such an ious program is in order.
odHumira - Arthritis drug, Pier 1 Imports, Vaseline Intensive Rescue Body Lotion, Pilsbury Toaster Strudel, T.J. Maxx, Stanley Steemer, Reach One Ultimate Clean Toothbrush, M&M's, Janome Sewing Machine, Zyrtec, Tide Laundry Detergent, Marshall's, Stainmaster Carpet, Cottonelle Toilet Tissue, Crest Whitening Rinse, Disney's Meet the Robinsons, Best Foods Mayonnaise, Woolite, Claritin -D, Sears, Honey Bunches of Oats, Loestrin 24, Excedrin, I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, BAM Power Cleaner, Pepto Bismol, Head And Shoulders, Bush's Baked Beans, Miracle-Gro, Scrubbing Bubbles, Singulair, All Detergent, Dove Ice Cream
I'm no O'Donnell fan or a 9/11 conspiracy believer, but I'm pretty sure the ratings for the View also went way up when she joined the show, so O'Reilly may be misleading a bit there.
I guess I don't have a problem with celebrity activism. I don't think their opinion is any more or less valid than political talking heads like O'Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh, Franken, or Maher. Everybody's entitled to an opinion. I choose to ignore most of those.
A Great new web site has just come onboard: http://www.stoprosie.com/
They have an online petition to rid America of the Bloated One...
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