Senate Democrat Leader remarks out of line
PHOENIX, AZ – Randy Pullen, chairman of the Arizona Republican Party chided Democrat Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada) for stating that the war in Iraq “is lost” earlier today.
“In a time when all Americans should be united in their support of our brave soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and national guardsmen who are serving honorably overseas, it seems that Senator Reid would rather play politics with their lives, embolden the terrorists and insurgents, and demoralize our military,” said Pullen. “Senator, if you’re not going to lead, then get out of the way. If you’re not going to help defeat the terrorists, step aside. If you’re not going stand with our soldiers, you have no business in Congress because in a war against terror, there can be no defeat and there can be no surrender.”
Pullen continued, “The Democrats have had nearly four months to show some real leadership, but since they took power, they have advocated a surrender strategy in Iraq, supported the largest tax increase in American history, and spent pork like it was going out of style. This is not the leadership the American people deserve or expect and Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Ted Kennedy ought to be ashamed.”
“We are looking towards 2008 when we can elect more competent, more responsible, and more mature leaders in Congress,” concluded Pullen.
Paid for by the Arizona Republican Party
Not authorized by any candidate or campaign committee
Brett Mecum
Communications Director
Arizona Republican Party
602.957.7770 (w)
602.448.9883 (c)
Senate Democrat Leader remarks out of line
PHOENIX, AZ – Randy Pullen, chairman of the Arizona Republican Party chided Democrat Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada) for stating that the war in Iraq “is lost” earlier today.
“In a time when all Americans should be united in their support of our brave soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and national guardsmen who are serving honorably overseas, it seems that Senator Reid would rather play politics with their lives, embolden the terrorists and insurgents, and demoralize our military,” said Pullen. “Senator, if you’re not going to lead, then get out of the way. If you’re not going to help defeat the terrorists, step aside. If you’re not going stand with our soldiers, you have no business in Congress because in a war against terror, there can be no defeat and there can be no surrender.”
Pullen continued, “The Democrats have had nearly four months to show some real leadership, but since they took power, they have advocated a surrender strategy in Iraq, supported the largest tax increase in American history, and spent pork like it was going out of style. This is not the leadership the American people deserve or expect and Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Ted Kennedy ought to be ashamed.”
“We are looking towards 2008 when we can elect more competent, more responsible, and more mature leaders in Congress,” concluded Pullen.
Paid for by the Arizona Republican Party
Not authorized by any candidate or campaign committee
Brett Mecum
Communications Director
Arizona Republican Party
602.957.7770 (w)
602.448.9883 (c)
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