Neither political party helps; who do they represent? Neither party appears to represent the people (as in the-government-by-the-people, for-the-people), but only represent their own agendas.
The North American Union, NAFTA corridors, and amnesty for illegal aliens are all power plans to help others (illegal aliens, global corporations, and foreign companies) at our expense (unemployment, failed businesses, loss of sovereignty, crushing taxes). So much for the Right.
The Left makes us look like stupid, cringing cowards that long to commit suicide by ignoring the basic principles of our government--preserve the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of the people, help our friends, and defeat our enemies! They show abject HATRED for our basic principles by not even allowing the Ten Commandments as an icon in a school or government building, crying that we must build a wall between church and state (what happened to that "wall" when schools began teaching about Islam?)--that is not what our forefathers said (to those who HATE the term forefathers, tough; get used to it; it's coming back to stay) and it is obvious to anyone with half a brain or more that it is not what they meant--the stupid, crass liberals corrupted the idea as they corrupt everything they touch.
And now, as if passive hate is not enough, the following essay speaks volumes. I once thought that the Democratic Party is the only Party of HATE; I am beginning to think that a much of the Republican leadership is now playing in the same mud hole.
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