With CBS' firing this week of Don Imus, a new era in this PC World now has occurred. CBS President Les Moonves fired Imus yesterday, saying ""There has been much discussion of the effect language like this has on our young people, particularly young women of color trying to make their way in this society," Well Mr. Moonves, your network hasn't exactly got the best record. Dan Rather using forged documents in 2004 against President Bush, the CBS show 'Survivor' which separated contestants by ethnicity in season 13, and finally, his wife, Julie Chen's show, 'Big Brother' which openly supports promiscuous & gay lifestyles.
Imus yesterday apologized to the Rutgers Women's Basketball team, which according to the coach, was accepted. On the same day, Mike Nifong, District Attorney of Durham County, apologized to the Duke Lacrosse Players falsely accused of rape. Where was the huge outcry there?
Look at the two biggest accusers of Don Imus. Rev's Jesse "Heimi Town" Jackson, & Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton. Why does ANYONE listen to these 2 morons? They are the racists here. While I do not defend what Don Imus said, I do defend his right to say it. Where is all the outrage when Black Rappers use language which is 100 x worse than what Imus said.
Liberals love to play the victim. Just look at Hillary Clinton? Oh its the Right Wing Conspiracy, all the while her hubby, the then President is getting hummers in the Oval Office. Poor Hillary. Liberals make themselves the victim because its the only game they know how to play.
The MSM, which has been shown to be very Liberal, continues to attempt to demonize Republicans & Conservatives. Thank God for media outlets like Fox News and the Internet that allows the truth to be heard. It's time for all Conservatives to stand up against these prejudices and fight back!!!
1 comment:
The major networks, CNN, and MSNBC may have their biases, but there is no doubt that FNC does as well.
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